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Send us your technical question or problem on an e-mail:
Don't wait for us. Use the Websydian documentation. Just click the link below.
For non-tech questions call +45 39 66 02 00

Hire us for CA Plex and Websydian development

We provide training and development services according to agile principles. That gives you control of both process and result. In our experience the awareness of what you need grows with the progress of the development work. With an agile approach you can change direction and scope accordingly. That way you get what you actually need, not what you thought you needed before the development work started.

Whether you want to create model-based web applications but don't know where to start, or you have started but are stuck, we will be happy to assist you.

And is the issue you are facing related to CA Plex, we are here for that too.

Get more information - Please contact us +45 39 66 02 00

Do It Yourself

If you want to create web applications, apps or web services yourself with CA Plex there is no reason not to. Read about the options below and go to our documentation for guidelines and tutorials.

Trust Us

Since 1998 we have been developing Websydian products. We use CA Plex and Websydian for our own customer projects, and we have customers all over the world.

We protect our customers, but we will be happy to give you a couple of names of clients who won't mind telling you why they trust us.
Just call +45 39 66 02 00.

Contact Us

Rosenkaeret 13
DK-2860 Soeborg

+45 39 66 02 00