API Functions


The Websydian Express API functions are the developers interface to Websydian Express. That is, when the developer at runtime needs to retrieve information about Websydian Express this is typically done by calling an API function.

The API functions are defined in the WSYAPI library model and are scoped under one of two functions:

For API functions deployed on the web server.
For API functions deployed on the backend (database) server.


Apart from the "normal" values for *Returned Status, these API functions can also return the unique identification of a Websydian Express Event - this will always be a numeric value corresponding to an entry in the message log table.

If the function is successful it will always return *Returned Status = *Successful. As this is the case, it should in almost all instances be sufficient to just check whether the *Returned Status is successful or not after calling an API.

If you during your test need information about the error that has happened - use the message log in the administration interface to obtain the reason for the error.

Should you however want to use the information in the messages you can use the two following API functions to obtain the information.

1. GetEventTypeForEvent

This function will return the identification of the message (event) type. Based on this you can get the type of error, which the message belongs to. You will typically need this when you want to control the execution of program statements based on the errors returned.

2. GetEventInformation

In addition to the event type - this API also returns the text for the event.

You will typically use this API if you want to show an error message to a user or write it to a log file.

Universal events

There are a number of events that can be thrown by any API function. All of these are to some extent a symptom of some kind of system error - and should be reported as such.

EvF001 - Call to GetEventType failed

An attempt to call a basic runtime function has ended in error. This should only happen if the runtime object has been removed.

EvF002 - Error in function

This is an event that is thrown if a call to a function returns a call status. As used in the API's it will usually happen if the API function calls a service function - and this call results in a call status error.

EvF008 - Uncatched event

This event is thrown when a call from one runtime function to another has resulted in an unexpected return status. This is a system error.

EvF057 - Unknown Error type

This event is thrown if a call to a function has resulted in a returned status that can not be identified as a valid event or one of the Plex standard return codes.

Web Server API

Please be aware that these functions may NOT be called from server functions

API: GetCurrentPresentation


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the current presentation.
TemplateSuffix FetchedData Output The suffix used to specify that the HTML templates are belonging to the current presentation.
TemplateOverrideName FetchedData Output The override name specified for the current presentation.
PresentationName FetchedData Output The name of the current presentation.
PresentationComment FetchedData Output Any comments specified for the current presentation
ProcessSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessID FetchedData Output The program name of the ProcessEntryPoint used by the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessType FetchedData Output The type of the process that the presentation belongs to. The type can be either Business Process (literal value 4), Menu Loader (literal value 5), or Frameset Loader (literal value 6).
ProcessDescription FetchedData Output The description specified for the process that the presentation belongs to
ProcessComment FetchedData Output Any comments specified for the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessText FetchedData Output The name of the process that the presentation belongs to.


This API can be used to retrieve information about the current presentation used by the process. The retrieved presentation surrogate can be used to fetch any property values specified for the presentation (using the server API's GetPresentationProperty and GetPropertiesForPresentation).


Universal events


API: PasswordUpdate


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user.
UserPassword Data Input The new password for the user.
ErrorMessage Error Output A text describing the error.


This API can be used when a password is to be changed for a user. The API performs the same validation as the PasswordUpdateValidation.

If the validation is successful the password will be updated for the user specified by the user surrogate and the *Returned status field is set to *Successful.

If the validation fails *Returned status will be different from *Successful and the ErrorMessage field will contain a text describing the reason for the failure.

If you do not have the user surrogate for the user whose password you want to update you can call the UserSingleFetchSiteLogin with information about the site and the login name for the user to obtain the surrogate.


Universal events


API: PasswordUpdateValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user.
UserPassword Data Input The new password for the user.
ErrorMessage Error Output A text describing the error.


This API can be used when a password is to be changed for an existing user. The API only performs validation - not any updates. The *Returned status field is set to *Successful if the validation is successful.

If the validation fails the ErrorMessage field will contain a text describing the reason for the failure.

If you do not have the user surrogate for the user whose password you want to update you can call the UserSingleFetchSiteLogin with information about the site and the login name for the user to obtain the surrogate.

As the PasswordUpdate function itself calls this validation function, you should only call this function if you want to make sure that the update will be successful before calling the update function (e.g. if you have a set of pages performing data capture - where the update itself must not be done before the last panel has been accepted).


Universal events


API: PasswordValidationForLogin


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.
UserPassword Input Input The new password for the user.


The API validates whether the entered combination of user identification and password corresponds to the password registered for the user.

The *Returned status for the function will be set to *Instance not found if the user does not exist. If the password is incorrect the *Returned status will be set to *Error.

If you do not have the user surrogate for the user whose password you want to check you can call the UserSingleFetchSiteLogin with information about the site and the login name for the user to obtain the surrogate.


Universal events


API: ReloadSitePageGenerator




Call this API if you have changed roles or user for the session and want to reload the site based on the new session information.

This can be used if you create a custom-made login functionality.

The API calls a PageGenerator that contains an event which reloads the site. In the HTML template WSLOAD used by this PageGenerator, this event is specified as having target ="_top" and the page includes JavaScript that executes this event automatically.

This template is delivered in the "basicsite" template folder. This template must be present in a folder in the folder list used by the session when the API is called - otherwise an error will be reported to the user and the site will not be reloaded.

In some cases, the user will see the page generated by the WSLOAD page for a moment before the reload is done. If you want to change the design of this page, you can do so by changing the template WSLOAD - but it is important that you do not remove the submit statement in the Initialization JavaScript and that the target for the event remains "_top".

The PageGenerator inherits from PageGeneratorNoPresentation, this means that you do not have to make  a special version for each presentation, it is always the basic WSLOAD template that will be used.


EvF036 - Session not found

Universal events


API: UserCreate


Field Variable ...as Description
UserFolderListID Data Input The unique identification of the folder list the user should use (optional).
EmailAddress Data Input The E-mail address of the user (Mandatory).
LoginName Data Input The login name for the user (Mandatory).
FullName Data Input The full name of the user (Mandatory).
UserSiteKey Data Input The site, which the user should be able to access (Mandatory).

Please note that if one person should be able to access several sites, he will have to have one user profile for each site.

UserPassword Data Input The password for the user (Mandatory).
UserStatus Data Input The state of the user (Mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).

CrtByUserSgt Data Input The unique identification of the user creating the new user (Optional).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of records in the ErrorArray variable.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output An array of text descriptions of the errors encountered during the validation.
UserSurrogate Key Output The unique identification of the created user.


The function is used to create users without using the administration interface.

The function starts by calling the UserCreateValidation function that validates the input. If the validation is successful, the user is created, and the resulting user surrogate is written to the output variable Key, and the *Returned status is set to *Successful.

When an error is encountered during validation the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value, an error message is written to the ErrorArray and the number of errors is incremented with one. Please note that for certain system errors (missing objects etc.), it can happen that no messages will be written to the array. You should always use the *Returned status to evaluate the result of the call.


Universal events


API: UserCreateValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
UserFolderListID Data Input The unique identification of the folder list the user should use (optional).
EmailAddress Data Input The e-mail address of the user (mandatory).
LoginName Data Input The login name for the user (mandatory).
FullName Data Input The full name of the user (mandatory).
UserSiteKey Data Input The site, which the user should be able to access (mandatory).

Please note that if one person should be able to access several sites, he will have to have one user profile for each site.

UserPassword Data Input The password for the user (mandatory).
UserStatus Data Input The state of the user (mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).

CrtByUserSgt Data Input The unique identification of the user creating the new user (optional).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of records in the ErrorArray variable.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output An array of text descriptions of the errors encountered during the validation.


The API performs the necessary validation for the creation of a new user.

If the validation is successful *Returned status is set to *Successful.

If an error is encountered during validation the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value, an error message is written to the ErrorArray and the number of errors is incremented with one.

Please note that for certain system errors (missing objects etc.), it might happen that no messages will be written to the array. You should always use the *Returned status to evaluate the result of the call.

The following validation is performed:

User Status

The user status must be one of the values defined for the field ("Active", "Inactive", "TooManyFailedLogins").

Folder List

The folder list ID is optional but if it is used it must specify a defined folder list for the site the user is defined for. If you do not have the folder list ID you can obtain this by calling the FolderListSingleFetchSiteName server API or by calling the FolderListBlockFetchBySite server API.

If you do not specify a folder list for the user - the folder list for the user's sessions will be found based on the authorization of the user (see more about how the folder list is found for a session here).


This field is mandatory

Login Name

This field is mandatory. The combination of site key and login name must not already exist.

Full Name

This field is mandatory.


The site must exist.


This field is mandatory.

Surrogate for creating user

The surrogate is optional, but if it is specified, the user must exist.


Universal events

Server API

API: CustomField.GetAllValuesForInstance


Field Variable ...as Description
CustomFieldEntity Position Input The entity the custom field is defined for.
InstanceKey Position Input The unique identification of the record in the entity (converted to a character string).
CustomFieldName Position Input The name of the custom field - used to position the retrieved list of name/value pairs.
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
CustomFieldName FetchedData(64) Output The name of the retrieved custom field.
Value FetchedData(64) Output The value registered for the custom field for the specified record.


The API provides all the data registered as custom fields for a specific record.

The API retrieves all of the custom fields that has been specified for an entity. For each of these custom fields, the value registered for a specific record in the entity is returned together with the name of the custom field. If no value has been registered for a combination of entity, record, and custom field - blank is returned for the value.


Universal events


API: CustomField.GetInstancesForValue


Field Variable ...as Description
CustomFieldSiteKey Position Input The current site.
CustomFieldEntity Position Input The entity the custom field is defined for.
CustomFieldName Position Input The name of the custom field.
Value Position Input The value to retrieve instances for.
InstanceKey Position Input The unique identification of the record in the entity (converted to a character string).

Used to position the list of retrieved instances.

Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
InstanceKey FetchedData(64) Output The unique identification of the record in the entity specified by Position<CustomFieldEntity> that has the value Position<Value> for the custom field Position<CustomFieldName>.


The API provides all the instances in an entity that has a specific value for a custom field.

This can be used to search for records that has specified values for custom fields.


Universal events


API: CustomField.GetValue


Field Variable ...as Description
Entity FetchKey Input The entity the custom field is defined for.
InstanceKey FetchKey Input The unique identification of the record in the entity (converted to a character string).
PropertyName FetchKey Input The name of the custom field.
Value FetchedData Output The specified value.


Retrieves the value for a custom field for a record. If no value has been registered for the custom field, the API returns a blank value.


Universal events


API: CustomField.SetValue


Field Variable ...as Description
Entity Input Input The entity the custom field is defined for.
InstanceKey Input Input The unique identification of the record in the entity (converted to a character string).
PropertyName Input Input The name of the custom field.
Value Input Input The specified value.


Registers the value for the custom field.


EvF139 - Error on set custom field value

EvF141 - Illegal entity

EvF142 - Illegal instance key

EvF143 - Custom field not defined

Universal events


API: FolderListBlockFetchForSite


Field Variable ...as Description
FolderListName Position Input The name of the folder list.
FolderListSiteKey Position Input The site the folder list is defined in.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
FolderListID FetchedData(64) Output The unique identification of the folder list.
FolderListText FetchedData(64) Output A description of the folder list.
FolderListAuthLevel FetchedData(64) Output Not used.
FolderListName FetchedData(64) Output The name of the folder list - it is this field, which is shown for the identification of the folder list in the administration interface. The combination of FolderListName and FolderListSiteKey is unique.
FolderListSiteKey FetchedData(64) Output Identifies the site, which the folder list is defined for .


This API behaves like a standard BlockFetch function. The data is restricted to the site specified by the input field FolderListSiteKey in the Position variable. The data will be shown in FolderListName order.

To make it easier to use this API function, a dummy view (WSYAPI/DataStructures.FolderLists.BySiteName) is provided. Use this view to replace in e.g. grid page functions.


Universal events


API: FolderListSingleFetch


Field Variable ...as Description
FolderListID FetchKey Input The unique identification of the folder list.
FolderListID FetchedData Output The unique identification of the folder list.
FolderListText FetchedData Output A description of the folder list.
FolderListAuthLevel FetchedData Output No longer used.
FolderListName FetchedData Output The name of the folder list - it is this field, which is shown for the identification of the folder list in the administration interface. The combination of FolderListName and FolderListSiteKey is unique.
FolderListSiteKey FetchedData Output Identifies the site, which the folder list is defined for .


The function behaves as a standard SingleFetch function.


Universal events


API: FolderListSingleFetchSiteName


Field Variable ...as Description
FolderListName FetchKey Input The name of the folder list.
FolderListSiteKey FetchKey Input Identifies the site, which the folder list is defined for .
FolderListID FetchedData Output The unique idenification of the folder list.
FolderListText FetchedData Output A description of the folder list.
FolderListAuthLevel FetchedData Output No longer used.
FolderListName FetchedData Output The name of the folder list - it is this field, which is shown for the identification of the folder list in the administration interface. The combination of FolderListName and FolderListSiteKey is unique.
FolderListSiteKey FetchedData Output Identifies the site, which the folder list is defined for .


The function behaves as a standard SingleFetch function.


Universal events

API: GetBasicSessionData


Field Variable Description
SessionSurrogate Input The identification of the current session.
SiteKey Output The identification of the current site.
StaticKeyUserPwdCrypt Output The value used when encrypting passwords (for future use).
DynamicKeyWebSign Output The key used for signing WebInput fields.
FolderListID Output The Folder List used to find the templates.
UserSurrogate Output The Identification of the current user.
MenuLinkSurrogate Output Surrogate for last activated menu item in the site structure.
SessionStatus Output The status of the session (Active, Inactive, or TooManyFailedLogins)..
HttpUrl Output The full URL to access the current site.
HttpsUrl Output The full URL to access the current site if using SSL.
FormAction Output The URL path used in FORM elements on the generated HTML pages.
IpAddress Output The IP address of the current session.
CreationDate Output The creation date of the session.
CreationTime Output The creation time of the session.
LastRequestDate Output The date of the last request for the session.
LastRequestTime Output The time of the last request for the session.
RequestCount Output The number of requests done by the current session.


Returns the session information and selected information from the current site.

This function is called in the initialize subroutine of all EventHandlerForProcess and PageGeneratorForProcess functions. If you need information about the current session in other parts of your application you can call this function. The information returned also includes an identification of the current site.


EvF012 - Error reading session

EvF017 - Error reading site

Universal events


API: GetEventInformation


Field Variable Description
EventID Input The identification of the event (this information is returned by the function in the returned status field).
EventContent Output The text of the thrown event.
EventCategory Output Indicates the severity of the event.
EventTypeID Output The identification of the event type.
EventType Output A textual description of the event type.


Websydian Express functions can report a number of events. If a function has terminated because of an event it will return the EventID of this event in the *Returned status field.

Call this function to obtain further information about the event.


Universal events


API: GetEventTypeForEvent


Field Variable Description
EventID Input The identification of the event (this information is returned by Websydian Express functions in the *Returned status field).
EventTypeID Output The identification of the event type.


Obtains the identification of the event type of an event instance.


Universal events


API: GetSessionData


Field Variable Description
SessionSurrogate Input The identification of the current session.
SiteKey Output The identification of the current site.
FolderListID Output The folder list used to find the templates.
UserSurrogate Output The identification of the current user.
MenuLinkSgt Output Surrogate for last activated menu item in the site structure.
SessionStatus Output Indicates whether the session is active.
IpAddress Output The IP address of the current session.
CreationDate Output The creation date of the session.
CreationTime Output The creation time of the session.
LastRequestDate Output The date of the last request for the session.
LastRequestTime Output The time of the last request for the session.
RequestCount Output The number of requests done by the current session.


Fetch information for a session.


EvF036 - Session not found

Universal events


API: GetSiteData


Field Variable Description
SiteKey Input The identification of the Site.
SiteDescription Output A textual description or name of the Site.
EntryURL Output The URL mapped to the Site.
DispatcherUnsafeLearningMode Output Indicates whether the site is currently accepting events, which hasn't previously been defined (value = Y) or whether no new events will be accepted (value = N).
StaticKeyUserPwdCrypt Output The value used when encrypting passwords
DynamicKeyWebSign Output The key used for signing webinput fields.
SessionTimeOut Output Timeout in minutes
HttpUrl Output The full URL to access the current site.
HttpsUrl Output The full URL to access the current site if using SSL.
FormAction Output The URL path used in FORM elements on the generated HTML pages.


Fetch information about a site.


EvF017 - Error reading site

Universal events


API: Presentation.DeletePresentationProperty


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the presentation. This specifies the presentation that the property has been specified for.
PropertyName Input Input The name of the property to delete.


This API can be used to delete a property for a presentation. Please note that this physically deletes the record.


Universal events



API: Presentation.GetPresentation


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate FetchKey Input The unique identification of the presentation. This specifies the presentation to retrieve information for.
PresentationSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the presentation.
PresentationSiteKey FetchedData Output The identification of the site that the presentation belongs to.
TemplateSuffix FetchedData Output The suffix used to specify that the HTML templates are belonging to the presentation.
TemplateOverrideName FetchedData Output The override name specified for the presentation.
PresentationName FetchedData Output The name of the presentation.
PresentationComment FetchedData Output Any comments specified for the presentation
ProcessSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessID FetchedData Output The program name of the ProcessEntryPoint used by the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessType FetchedData Output The type of the process that the presentation belongs to. The type can be either Business Process (literal value 4), Menu Loader (literal value 5), or Frameset Loader (literal value 6).
ProcessDescription FetchedData Output The description specified for the process that the presentation belongs to
ProcessComment FetchedData Output Any comments specified for the process that the presentation belongs to.
ProcessText FetchedData Output The name of the process that the presentation belongs to.


This API can be used to retrieve data about any presentation by specifying a PresentationSurrogate (a unique identification of a Presentation). This API is mostly for future use as there are currently no available API's that return a presentation surrogate. If you want to retrieve information about the current presentation used by the session call the weebserver API GetCurrentPresentation.


Universal events


API: Presentation.GetPresentationProperty


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the presentation. This specifies the presentation that the property has been specified for.
PropertyName Input Input The name of the property.
Value FetchedData Output The value specified for the property.


This API can be used to retrieve the value specified for a specific property specified for a presentation. The normal situation is that you want to retrieve a property for the pressentation currently being used by the session - use the webserver API GetCurrentPresentation to retrieve the PresentationSurrogate for this presentation.


EvF021 - Presentation not found

Universal events


API: Presentation.GetPropertiesForPresentation


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate Position Input The unique identification of the presentation. This is used to restrict the retrieved data.
PropertyName Position Input The name of the property. This is used to position the retrieved data.
Position Control Input Specify whether the API should position based on the Position variable
RowsFetched Control Dual Returns the number of rows returned for the Presentation
PresentationSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the presentation.
PropertyName FetchedData (64) Output The name of the property
Value FetchedData (64) Output The value specified for the property


This API is a blockfetch function that retrieves all the properties specified for a presentation (the presentation surrogate is used to restrict the data). The normal situation is that the properties should be retrieved for the current presentation for the session - use the webserver API GetCurrentPresentation to retrieve this surrogate.


EvF021 - Presentation not found

Universal events


API: Presentation.SetPresentationProperty


Field Variable ...as Description
PresentationSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the presentation. This specifies the presentation that the property has been specified for.
PropertyName Input Input The name of the property.
Value Input Input The value specified for the property.


This API can be used to set the value for a specific property for a presentation. The normal situation is that you want to set a property for the pressentation currently being used by the session - use the webserver API GetCurrentPresentation to retrieve the PresentationSurrogate for this presentation.


EvF021 - Presentation not found

EvF178 - Property Name is blank

Universal events


API: Role.ClearIntranetOnly


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification for the role


Makes the role valid for use by sessions that does not originate inside the intranet.


EvF100 - Role not found

Universal events


API: Role.CreateRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleName InsertData Input The name of the role. This must be unique for the site (mandatory).
RoleDescription InsertData Input A textual description of the role (optional).
RoleComment InsertData Input


Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is. (optional)
RoleSiteKey InsertData Input The site which the role belongs to. (mandatory)
RoleFolderListID InsertData Input The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role. (mandatory)
RoleSurrogate Output Output The unique identification of the created role. If the validation or creation of the record fails, the returned RoleSurrogate will be 0.
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors encountered and reported in the ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


Validates and creates a role for a specific site.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.


Universal events


API: Role.DeleteRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification for the role.
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors encountered and reported in the ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray (10) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


Checks whether the role can be deleted - and deletes the role if it is allowed.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.

Roles that are assigned to users or site elements can't be deleted.

Note that the role is deleted from the database and can't be retrieved after a delete.


Universal events


API: Role.GetByName


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleName Input Input The name of the role.
RoleSiteKey Input Input The unique identification of the site.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the role.
RoleName FetchedData Output The name of the role. This must be unique for the site.
RoleDescription FetchedData Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves the information for a role, based on the role name and the site the role belongs to.


Universal events


API: Role.GetRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate FetchKey Input The unique identification of the role.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the role.
RoleName FetchedData Output The name of the role. This must be unique for the site.
RoleDescription FetchedData Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves the information for a role, based on the unique identification for the role.


Universal events


API: Role.GetRolesByName


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleName Position Input The name of the role. Can be used to position the start of the list.
RoleSiteKey Position Input Identifies the site the roles are to be fetched for (mandatory/restrict).
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the role.
RoleName FetchedData (64) Output The name of the role.
RoleDescription FetchedData (64) Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData (64) Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData (64) Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData (64) Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData (64) Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves a list of the roles that has been defined for a site. The roles are retrieved in role name order.


Universal events


API: Role.IsRoleIntranetOnly


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.
IntranetOnly Output Output Yes/No field, specifying whether the role only can be assigned to sessions originating inside the intranet (Yes).


Checks whether the role is specified for intranet use only.


Universal events


API: Role.RemoveAllSiteElements


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.


Removes the roles from all site elements. After calling this API, the role does not authorize any site elements. The API can be used in a situation where the role is to be deleted (as a role can't be deleted until all assignments to users and site elements are removed).


EvF100 - Role not found

Universal events



API: Role.RemoveAllUsers


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.


Removes the roles from all Users. After calling this API, no users will have this role. The API can be used in a situation where the role is to be deleted (as a role can't be deleted until all assignments to users and site elements are removed).


EvF100 - Role not found

Universal events


API: Role.SetIntranetOnly


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.


Specifies that the role may only be assigned to session that originate inside the intranet. When IntranetOnly is specified for a role, it will not be assigned to a session the originates outside the intranet, event though the role is assigned to the user.


EvF100 - Role not found

Universal events


API: Role.UpdateRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleName UpdateData Input The name of the role. This must be unique for the site (mandatory).
RoleDescription UpdateData Input A textual description of the role (optional).
RoleComment UpdateData Input Comment field for the role (optional).
RolePriority UpdateData Input Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is. (optional)
RoleSiteKey UpdateData Input The site which the role belongs to. (mandatory)
RoleFolderListID UpdateData Input The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role. (mandatory)
RoleSurrogate UpdateKey Input The unique identification of the created role. (mandatory)
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors encountered and reported in the ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


Validates and updates an existing role.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.


Universal events


API: Role.ValidateDeleteRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the created role. (mandatory)
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors encountered and reported in the ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


Validates whether a role can be deleted.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.

Roles that are assigned to users or site elements can't be deleted.


Universal events


API: Role.ValidateRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the created role. Must be specified when ValidationType is update.
RoleName Data Input The name of the role. This must be unique for the site.
RoleDescription Data Input A textual description of the role.
RoleComment Data Input Comment field for the role.
RolePriority Data Input Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey Data Input The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID Data Input The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.
ValidationType Input Input Specifies whether the record should be validated for update or insert.
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors encountered and reported in the ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


Validates whether a role can be inserted or updated.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.

The validation can be called for either update or insert - specified by the input parameter ValidationType.


Universal events


API: Session.AddRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the site.
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.


Adds the role to the session. This extends the authorization of the session to include the site elements that is authorized by this role.


EvF036 - Session not found

EvF100 - Role not found

EvF120 - Session and Role in different sites

Universal events


API: Session.Create


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSiteKey Data Input The identification of the site (mandatory).
SessionUserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user owning the session (optional).
IpAddress Data Input The IP address of the machine where the request originates (the machine running the browser) (optional).
SessionSurrogate Key Output The unique identification of the created session.
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors in ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create.


This API offers the developer the possibility to create a session outside the normal session creation done by Websydian Express.

The function starts by calling the SessionCreateValidation API (for detailed information about the validation - see the description of this API).

If the validation is successful, the *Returned status is set to *Successful, the session is created, and the generated identification of the session is returned in the Key output variable.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.


Universal events


API: Session.CreateValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSiteKey Data Input The identification of the site (mandatory).
SessionUserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user owning the session (optional).
IpAddress Data Input The IP address of the machine where the request originates (the machine running the browser) (optional).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors returned in ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or create. 


This function performs the validation necessary to create a new session.

If the validation is successful *Returned status is set to *Successful.

If the validation fails *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message is written to the ErrorArray output variable. The output field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors returned in ErrorArray.

The following rules are enforced by the validation:


This field is mandatory and must specify an existing site.


This field is optional. If the field is specified the surrogate must identify an existing user for the site specified by the input field SessionSiteKey.


Universal events


API: Session.GetRoles


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Position Input The unique identification of the role. Used for positioning the start of the list.
SessionSurrogate Position Input The unique identification of the session. (restrict)
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the role.
SessionSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the session.
RoleName FetchedData (64) Output The name of the role.
RoleDescription FetchedData (64) Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData (64) Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData (64) Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData (64) Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData (64) Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves a list containing the roles assigned to the session.


Universal events


API: Session.IsAuthorizedForRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate CheckKey Input The unique identification of the role.
SessionSurrogate CheckKey Input The unique identification of the session.


Check whether the session is authorized for the specified role. This can be used if you have functionality/content in your business process that depends on whether a specific role is assigned to the session.


Universal events


API: Session.RefreshFolderList


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.


Sets the folder list for the session based on the user and roles assigned to the session. Use this API to set the folder list after changing the roles or user for the session.


EvF036 - Session not found

EvF122 - No roles specified for the session

Universal events


API: Session.RemoveAllRoles


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.


Remove all roles from the session. Use this API if you want to clear the roles on a session before assigning new roles to a session.


EvF036 - Session not found

Universal events


API: Session.RemoveRole


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.


Remove one role from the session. This means that the session will no longer have access to the site elements authorized by this role.


EvF036 - Session not found

Universal events


API: Session.SetAnonymousUserAndUpdate


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.


Reads the anonymous user registered for the site. Uses the roles and folder list assigned to this user to update the session.


EvF017 - Error reading site

EvF030 - User not found (the user registered as anonymous user does not exist)

EvF036 - Session not found

EvF108 - No anonymous user for the session

EvF103 - No folder list found

EvF135 - User for session can't be updated (the session already have an assigned user).

Universal events


API: Session.SetFolderList


Field Variable ...as Description
FolderListID Input Input The unique identification of the folder list.
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.


Updates the session with the specified folder list. The folder list is updated no matter which folder list is defined for the current user or roles assigned to the session.


EvF036 - Session not found

EvF105 - Folder list not found

EvF123 - Folder list and session in different sites

Universal events


API: Session.SetUserAndUpdate


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the session.
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.


Updates the session with roles and folder list based on the user information.


EvF017 - Error reading site

EvF030 - User not found (the user registered as anonymous user does not exist)

EvF036 - Session not found

EvF108 - No anonymous user for the session

EvF103 - No folder list found

EvF135 - User for session can't be updated (the session already have an assigned user).

Universal events


API: Session.Update


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the session to update (mandatory).
SessionSiteKey Data Input The identification of the site (mandatory).
SessionUserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user owning the session (optional).
IpAddress Data Input The IP address of the machine where the request originates (the machine running the browser) (optional).
SessionStatus Data Input The new status of the session (mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), TimedOut (T), Ended (E).

RefreshRolesAndFolderList Data Input Set this parameter to Yes (Y) if you want to update the roles and the folder list for the session based on the updated values.

An example could this could be if you assign a user to the session - and set the parameter to yes, in this case you would get the roles and folder list based on the user settings.

NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors in ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or update.


This API offers the developer the possibility to update a session.

The function starts by calling the Session.UpdateValidation API (for detailed information about the validation see the description of this API).

If the validation is successful, the *Returned status is set to *Successful and the session is updated with the values specified in the input.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The field NumberOfErrors will contain the number of errors written to ErrorArray.


Universal events


API: Session.UpdateValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
SessionSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the session to update (mandatory).
SessionSiteKey Data Input The identification of the site (mandatory).
SessionUserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user owning the session (optional).
IpAddress Data Input The IP address of the machine where the request originates (the machine running the browser) (optional).
SessionStatus Data Input The new status of the session (mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), TimedOut (T), Ended (E).

NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of errors in ErrorArray.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output A description of an error, which has occurred during either validation or update.


This function performs the validation necessary to update a session.

If the validation is successful, the *Returned status is set to *Successful.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and for each error an error message can be written in the ErrorArray output variable. The field NumberOfErrors is set to the number of errors written to ErrorArray.

The following rules are enforced by the validation:


This field is mandatory and must specify a valid session to update. The session must be Active (SessionStatus set to Active).


This field is mandatory and must specify an existing site.


This field is optional. If the field is specified, it must specify an existing user for the site specified by the input field SessionSiteKey.


The status the session is to be changed to. Valid values are "Active", "Ended", "TimedOut".


Universal events


API: User.AddRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.


Assigns the role to the user.


EvF030 - User not found

EvF100 - Role not found

EvF121 - User and role in different sites

Universal events


API: User.BlockFetchByLogin


Field Variable ...as Description
LoginName Position Input Login name for a user. Used to position the search for users. Only users with a login name positioned after than the one specified will be returned in the output.

A blank login name will return all users.

UserSiteKey Position Input The identification of the current site. Restricts the output to users for a specific site. The site must be specified in the input, or no records will be returned.
Position Control Input Specifies whether the values specified for LoginName and SiteKey is to be used, or whether the output should start from the last record found in the last search.

Values: Yes (Y) or No (N).

RowsFetched Control Dual The number of rows fetched in the search.
UserFolderListID Limit Input Limits the search. Only records with the exact value specified for the UserFolderListID will be returned.
CrtByUserSgt Limit Input Limits the search. Only records with the exact value specified for the CrtByUserSgt will be returned.
EmailAddress Limit Input Limits the search. Only records with the exact value specified for the EmailAddress will be returned.
UserStatus Limit Input Limits the search. Only records with the exact value specified for the UserStatus will be returned.

Values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFialedLogins(F)

UserSurrogate FetchedData(64) Output The unique identification of the user.
UserSiteKey FetchedData(64) Output The site the user belongs to.
LoginName FetchedData(64) Output The login name of the user.
UserFolderListID FetchedData(64) Output The folder list assigned to the user.
CrtByUserSgt FetchedData(64) Output A reference to the user who created this user.
EmailAddress FetchedData(64) Output The e-mail address of the user.
FullName FetchedData(64) Output The full name of the user.
CreatedTime FetchedData(64) Output Time of user creation.
CreatedDate FetchedData(64) Output Date of user creation.
UserLanguageCode FetchedData(64) Output For future use
Password FetchedData(64) Output Signature of the user password
FailedLogins FetchedData(64) Output The number of failed logins.
UserStatus FetchedData(64) Output Values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins(F)
LastLogin FetchedData(64) Output Time stamp of the last time the user has logged in.


This is a standard BlockFetch function based on the user entity, with some extra possibilities to limit the search.

The API should be used if you at any time must have a list of users in your application.

To make it easier to use this function, a dummy view (WSYAPI/DataStructures.User.SiteKeyLogin) is provided. Use this view to replace in e.g. grid page functions.


Universal events


API: User.Delete


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user to delete.
ErrorMessage Error Output Text describing the reason if an error has occurred.


The API deletes the specified user from the database (physically removes the record). Before deleting the record, the API User.DeleteValidation is called. If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and a text describing the error is returned in the ErrorMessage field.

If the validation is successful, the user specified by the surrogate is deleted.


Universal events


API: User.DeleteValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification of the user to delete.
ErrorMessage Error Output Text describing the reason if an error has occurred.


Validates whether a user specified by UserSurrogate can be deleted. In addition to checking the existence of the user it is also checked whether the user is registered as a creating user on other users.

If the validation fails the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value and a text describing the error is returned in the ErrorMessage field.


Universal events


API: User.GetAuthorizedRolesByName


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleName Position Input The role name used for positioning.
UserSurrogate Position Input The unique identification of the user. (restrict)
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
UserSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the user.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the role.
RoleName FetchedData (64) Output The name of the role.
RoleDescription FetchedData (64) Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData (64) Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData (64) Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData (64) Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData (64) Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves a list containing the roles assigned to the user. The roles are sorted in role name order.


Universal events


API: User.GetAuthorizedRolesByPriority


Field Variable ...as Description
RolePriority Position Input The role priority used for positioning.
UserSurrogate Position Input The unique identification of the user. (restrict)
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of fetched records in the output variable FetchedData.
UserSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the user.
RoleSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identification of the role.
RoleName FetchedData (64) Output The name of the role.
RoleDescription FetchedData (64) Output A textual description of the role.
RoleComment FetchedData (64) Output Comment field for the role.
RolePriority FetchedData (64) Output Numeric field - indicates the "importance" of the role. Used for situations where a session is authorized by more than one role and a choice between the roles are necessary. The higher the number, the more important the role is.
RoleSiteKey FetchedData (64) Output The site which the role belongs to.
RoleFolderListID FetchedData (64) Output The folder list to be used for sessions authorized by this role.


Retrieves a list containing the roles assigned to the user. The roles are sorted in descending role priority order (retrieves the most "important" roles first).


Universal events


API: User.IncrementFailedLogins


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.


Adds one to the current number of failed logins registered for the user.


Universal events


API: User.IsAuthorizedForRole


Field Variable ...as Description
RoleSurrogate CheckKey Input The unique identification of the role.
UserSurrogate CheckKey Input The unique identification of the user.


Check whether the user is authorized for the role.


Universal events


API: User.RemoveAllRoles


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.


Remove all roles for the user - this means that the user will not be able to access the site. Normally this API will be used when the user is to be deleted (as a user can't be deleted as long as he has roles assigned).


EvF030 - User not found

Universal events


API: User.RemoveRole


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.
RoleSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the role.


Remove one specific role from the user.


EvF030 - User not found

EvF100 - Role not found

Universal events


API: User.ResetFailedLogins


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification of the user.


Sets the number of failed logins for the user to zero.


Universal events


API: User.SingleFetch


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Input Input The unique identification for a user. Can be obtained from the session information (e.g. by calling the API GetBasicSessionData).
UserAuthLevel FetchedData Output Not used.
UserFolderListID FetchedData Output If the user has assigned a specific folder list the identification is returned in this field.
CrtByUserSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the user who have created the current user. Use the API UserSingleFetch to obtain more information about the creating user.
EmailAddress FetchedData Output The email address registered for the user.
LoginName FetchedData Output The login name used by the user (unique for the site).
FullName FetchedData Output The name registered for the user.
ErpCustomerKey FetchedData Output For future use.
ErpAccountKey FetchedData Output For future use.
CreatedTime FetchedData Output User creation time.
CreatedDate FetchedData Output User creation date.
UserLanguageCode FetchedData Output For future use.
UserSiteKey FetchedData Output Identifies the site, which the user is registered for.
UserSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the user (same as input).
Password FetchedData Output The signed value of the user password. Can be used to compare the password with a signature of a user entered value.
FailedLogins FetchedData Output Shows the number of failed logins performed by the user.
UserStatus FetchedData Output The status of the user. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins(F).
LastLogin FetchedData Output Timestamp for last login by user.


The API gives you the possibility to obtain information about a specific user.


Universal events


API: User.SingleFetchSiteLogin


Field Variable ...as Description
LoginName FetchKey Input The login name defined for the user
UserSitekey FetchKey Input The site the user belongs to. The combination of the login name and the site is unique.
UserAuthLevel FetchedData Output Not used.
UserFolderListID FetchedData Output If the user has assigned a specific folder list the identification is returned in this field.
CrtByUserSgt FetchedData Output The unique identification of the user who has created the current user. Use the API UserSingleFetch to obtain more information about the creating user.
EmailAddress FetchedData Output The email address registered for the user.
LoginName FetchedData Output The login name used by the user (same as input).
FullName FetchedData Output The name registered for the user.
ErpCustomerKey FetchedData Output For future use.
ErpAccountKey FetchedData Output For future use.
CreatedTime FetchedData Output User creation time.
CreatedDate FetchedData Output User creation date.
UserLanguageCode FetchedData Output For future use.
UserSiteKey FetchedData Output Identifies the site, which the user is registered for (same as input).
UserSurrogate FetchedData Output The unique identification of the user (same as input).
Password FetchedData Output The signed value of the user password. Can be used to compare the password with a signature of a user entered value.
FailedLogins FetchedData Output Shows the number of failed logins performed by the user.
UserStatus FetchedData Output The status of the user. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins(F).
LastLogin FetchedData Output Timestamp for last login by user.


The API can be used to find information about a user, when the user surrogate is not known. This API finds the user based on the login name and the site the user belongs to.

The API behaves as a standard SingleFetch function.


Universal events


API: User.StateChange


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification for a user.
UserStatus Data Input The new status for the user. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).
ErrorMessage Error Output If an error occurs this field can contain a text describing the error.


The API offers the possibility to change the state of the user without having to consider any other values for the user (e.g. reactivate a user, who has been deactivated because of too many failed login attempts).

The API calls the API UserStateChangeValidation before doing the update.

If an error occurs, a text describing the error is written to the ErrorMessage output field.


Universal events


API: User.StateChangeValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification for a user.
UserStatus Data Input The new status for the user. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).
ErrorMessage Error Output If an error occurs this field can contain a text describing the error.


The API performs the necessary validation for an update of the state of the user.

The UserSurrogate has to identify an existing user and the UserStatus must be one of the valid values for the field.

If an error occurs, a text describing the error is written to the ErrorMessage output field.


Universal events


API: User.Update


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate. Input Input The unique identification for a user (mandatory).
UserFolderListID Input Input The identification of the folder list to be assigned to the user (optional).
EmailAddress Input Input The e-mail address to be assigned to the user (mandatory).
LoginName Input Input The identification the user must use when logging in to the site. The login name must be unique for the site (mandatory).
FullName Input Input The name of the user (mandatory).
UserSitekey Input Input The site the user is defined for (mandatory).
UserStatus Input Input The status the user will be assigned. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F)  (Mandatory).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of messages in the ErrorArray output variable.
ErrrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output For each error a text describing the error is written to the output variable ErrorArray.


The API offers the possibility to update values for an existing user. Before doing the update the API User.UpdateValidation is called.

If the validation fails a non-successful value is written to *Returned status and a message can is written to ErrorArray. If the validation is successful the *Returned status is set to *Successful and the update is done.

Please note that if you want to update the password for a user you will have to use the web server API PasswordUpdate.

If you just want to update the state of the user you can use the server API UserStateChange instead.

Please note that if you do not specify a value for the folder list (UserFolderListID), the user's session will have a folder list assigned based on the roles assigned to the user. This means that unless you want to override this behavior, you should just leave this input field blank.


Universal events


API: User.UpdateValidation


Field Variable ...as Description
UserSurrogate Data Input The unique identification for a user (mandatory).
UserFolderListID Data Input The identification of the folder list to be assigned to the user (optional).
EmailAddress Data Input The e-mail address to be assigned to the user (mandatory).
LoginName Data Input The identification the user must use when logging in to the site. The login name must be unique for the site (mandatory).
FullName Input Input The name of the user (mandatory).
UserSitekey Input Input The site the user is defined for (mandatory).
UserStatus Input Input The status assigned to the user. Valid values are: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F)  (Mandatory).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of messages in the ErrorArray variable.
ErrrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output For each error a text describing the error can be written to the output variable ErrorArray (occurs 20).


Performs the validation that is necessary before an update of an existing user can be performed.

If the validation fails a non-successful value is written to *Returned status and a message is written to the ErrorArray output variable. If the validation is successful the *Returned status is set to *Successful and the update is done.

The following validation is performed:


The surrogate must identify an existing user to be updated.


This field is optional. If specified, the ID must identify an existing folder list.




This field is mandatory. The combination of login name and site must be unique.




This field is mandatory and must identify an existing site


This field is mandatory and must be one of the valid values defined for the field.


Universal events