Error in &3. Target &2 in &4. Parent element &1.
&1 - Surrogate number of parent element (Frameset) in the site structure
&2 - Name of the frame found in the template
&3 - Name of the function detecting the error
&4 - Template name
The function specified by &3 generates a web page based on the
template (&4).
This template specifies a frame (&2) - but the frameset has no children in the
site structure tree with the indicated frame/target - or the existing children
with this target was not allowed to be shown to the user (typically because of
insufficient authority).
This means that the application has not been able to populate the frame with
anything - and it will just be shown to the user as an empty frame.
Apart from this there is no impact on the application.
Find the template specified by &4.
Find the Frameset in the site structure tree.
Check whether the Frameset has any children for the specified target/frame.
If there is no children for the specified target/frame - either create the child
elements - or change the template so that the frame is no longer part of the
If the frameset has children for the specified target/frame - check whether all
authorization levels, which can be shown the frameset, is covered.
If the authorization level of the frameset is less than the lowest authorization
levels for the children defined for the target/frame - it is an indication that
this is the issue.
The error will typically be a consequence of a change in the site structure.