Message log


This function gives the administrator an overview of any critical errors which has occurred in the system.

It is important to understand that these errors only relates to errors thrown by Websydian Express and the administration functions.


1. Error

By far the most messages fall into this category. These messages will be thrown if Websydian Express encounters inconsistencies in the database, missing objects etc.

No errors ought to be thrown in an active production environment.

2. Warning

A few messages have this category. This category is used when a problem has been encountered, which is not critical for the functionality of Websydian Express.

An example could be that an explanatory text should be shown - but could not be found in the database. The user will typically not even notice this - as the text just does not appear in the browser.

3. Informative

A few messages have this category. These are messages not caused by the system.

The informative messages can be thrown in certain situations, where users are trying to gain access to functionality they are not authorized for.

You can find a list of the messages thrown by Websydian Express here.

Grid Page

The grid contains the following fields:

Message ID

A unique ID for each message. In some situations a number of messages are thrown as result of one error. In this case the thrown message can refer to each other using this ID.


The text of the message. The text gives a short explanation of the specific message. In the situations, where specific information about the programs or data, which has caused the error is available, information identifying this will be part of the message.


Indicates the severity of the message. See more above.

Date and Time

Indicates when the message occurred.


The data is shown in the order they have been created, with the newest first.

Positioning of the grid is done by entering a date in the Date input field and pressing Find.

In some cases the messages can contain information about data entries, which does not have a recognizable text identification. If this happens the text will typically refer to e.g. "a link with surrogate nnn".

To find more information about this data entry - press the "Surrogate" menu item.

This leads you to a page, where you can enter the surrogate and the type of the data entry. This page is described here.