First, check whether any messages have be written to the message log.
If a message has been thrown, please see the help for this message for further information.
If no relevant messages can be found in the message log, there are two possible reasons for the problem.
Go to the "Site Structure -> Site Structure", select the menu item in the site structure tree. Press "View". In the section "Menu Site Element behavior in Site Tree" find the property "Frame" and check whether this is the frame that ought to be populated. If it is not use the update functionality to correct the frame name.
If this is the case no PageGenerator function will ever be called. This means that no errors has occurred - and because of this no messages has been written to the message log. On the other hand - as no PageGenerator has been called - no function has populated the frame.
Contact the responsible developer to make sure whether an actual call has been added to the action diagram - and that it has been added in the edit point "Call to first pagegenerator".