Online documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0 |
The necessary steps for moving a process to a test environment will be outlined in this section.
The test environment can be used for the developer's own test or be a more formal test environment used by test users.
Unless the physical and logical files are built directly in the database library used for the test environment, you will have to move the files to the correct library. This library should not be the one containing the WebsydianExpress Database.
If you do not use the application library specified when installing WebsydianExpress (default XP10APP), you must ensure that the library you use is included in the library list specified in the EXPRESS job description.
If you use the library you build the objects into as your program library, this step is of course unnecessary
If not, copy the relevant objects to the library you use for your test environment. This library will typically be the one you have specified as the application library (default XP10APP) during the installation of WebsydianExpress.
If you use your GEN/Release folder as your program folder, this step is unnecessary.
If not copy the relevant objects to the folder you use for your test environment. This library will typically be the "PlaceObjectsHere" folder located in the WebsydianExpress installation path; e.g. "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress for Windows\Application Service\PlaceObjectsHere".
When installing WebsydianExpress for WinC/WinC or WinC/iSeries a folder "PlaceObjectsHere" is created, this folder is meant to contain your own objects. Objects placed in this folder will be accessible from the application.
If you want to have access to objects in other folders, add these folders to the PGM_PATH in the settings.cmd file contained in the installed "Application Service" folder.
This can e.g. be relevant if you want to have your program object placed in you GEN/Release folder (so that you use your release folder as the test environment) - in this case add the release folder path to the PGM_PATH.
Move the templates used by the process to the folder defined for the application templates (default folder is "basicsite" or "demosite" respectively for the two preinstalled sites).
Define the necessary processes and presentations using the menus under "Content Loaders" in the administration menu.
Add a business process site element for the process to the site structure using the add site element wizard.
Check whether the site setting "Library for created events" points to the folder/library where you have placed your program objects. Typically this will be the PlaceObjectsHere folder described in WinC web server objects