Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Create and Use a Child Page


Including a child page in a parent page is largely unchanged compared to standard Websydian development.

This section focuses on describing the changed functionality. You can read the basic documentation for using parent and child pages in Websydian here.

Define child page function

You define the page and specify which functions you want to generate and build using the following triples.

Source Object Verb Target Object
MyChildPage is a FNC WSYAPI/Abstract.ChildPageGeneratorForProcess
implement SYS Yes
implement SYS Yes

Include the child page in the parent page

As PageGeneratorForProcess inherits from the abstract ParentPageGenerator you can use any of your PageGenerator fucntions as parent for the child page. You will just have to specify that the child page is included in the parent page. You can do that by specifying the following triple:

Source Object Verb Target Object
MyParentPageGenerator comprises FNC MyChildPage

Generate, build and run the DocumentTemplateGenerator for MyChildPage. This generates the template for the child page - customize this as needed.

Generate, build and run  the DocumentTemplateGenerator for MyParentPageGenerator. The generated template will contain a replacement marker specifying the implementation name of MyChildPage.

The child page created by MyChildPage will be inserted instead of this replacement marker at run time.