Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - Websydian v6.1

Supported Platforms

This document describes the various platforms and environments that are supported by Websydian as part of the license agreement.

Please note that Websydian applications can run in other environments than described here, but these environments are not part of the maintenance agreement.

If you need help with an environment or server not mentioned in this document then please contact Websydian Support for further information.

Distributed Websydian Architecture (DWA)

A Websydian application generated and built for the Distributed Websydian Architecture (DWA) is deployed in a 3-tier environment with a web server tier (Web Server Component), application tier (Application Service) and a database tier.

Web Server Tier

In DWA a Web Server Component is installed on the web server tier. The Web Server Component is a runtime component and is installed as either a servlet or as a CGI program.

The table below shows the web servers, servlet engines, and platforms where the Web Server Component is supported.

Windows platform
  Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista Windows XP/2000
Servlet based Web Server Component
  Apache Tomcat X X X
  ServletExec X   X
  WebSphere 6.1 X   X
CGI based Web Server Component

IBM i platform (iSeries, AS/400, System i)

  IBM i 6.1 i5/OS V5R4 i5/OS V5R3
Servlet based Web Server Component
  WebSphere 6.1 X X X
CGI based Web Server Component
  Apache HTTP Server X X X

Application Tier

When developing a Websydian application a platform has to be chosen for the application tier. This is selected during development and can be either Windows, iSeries, or Java.

The table below shows the platforms supported for the application tier.

Windows platform

  Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista Windows XP/2000
Windows DWA X X X
Java DWA Java v1.5, Java v1.6 Java v1.5, Java v1.6 Java v1.5, Java v1.6

IBM i platform (iSeries, AS/400, System i)

  IBM i 6.1 I5/OS V5R4 I5/OS V5R3
iSeries DWA X X X
Java DWA Java v1.5, Java v1.6 Java v1.5, Java v1.6 Java v1.5, Java v1.6


The databases shown in the table below are the ones that is currently supported by Websydian Support. If your database is not listed below, please contact Websydian Support for an agreement.

Windows platform

IBM i platform (iSeries, AS/400, System i)


The 3 tiers described above can be combined in various ways. The table below lists the combinations that are supported by Websydian Support.

Web Tier Application Tier Database Tier
Any supported Web Server Component Windows DWA Microsoft SQL Server
iSeries DB2
iSeries DWA iSeries DB2
Java DWA Microsoft SQL Server
iSeries DB2

It is optional whether each tier is located on the same physical machine or are distributed on multiple machines.


A Websydian application generated and built for the Classic Websydian Architecture (CWA) can be deployed in a 2-tier environment with a web server tier and a backend tier.

Windows Web Server

When deploying a CWA application on a Windows based web server the following platforms and servers are supported.

Web Server Database
IIS Microsoft SQL Server
iSeries DB2
Apache HTTP Server Microsoft SQL Server
iSeries DB2

iSeries Web Server

When using an iSeries web server for a CWA application the platforms and servers listed in the table below are supported.

The iSeries web server for CWA is only supported for OS/400 v5r1, v5r2, v5r3 and v5r4 and v6r1 when available.

Web Server Database
Apache HTTP Server iSeries DB2