Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - Websydian v6.1

Problem - BinaryPageGenerator and ASP Scripting not working

Severity Medium
Product Websydian Windows Implementations
Websydian version v5.5 SP1
Resolved in v5.6
Plex version v5.5 SP1 and later
Platform Windows
Category Development
Problem Windows implementations of BinaryPageGenerator and ASP Scripting stopped functioning using Plex 5.5 SP1.
Answer With Plex 5.5 SP1 CA decided to change the behavior of character fields in Plex in order to fix a problem with fixed decimal fields.

Unfortunately this had a side effect removing the functionality of storing binary data in Plex character fields.

The problem with binary data is that it might consist of a null (x00) byte which is also used to signal end of string in other implementations.

Workaround Please contact Websydian support at support@websydian.com for information on how to overcome this problem.

This problem will be solved with the Websydian 5.6 release, which is scheduled to be released primo December 2005.