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Websydian DOM - Parts (XmlParsers Function Suite)

The XmlParsers function suite scopes one function for each XML parser supported in Websydian DOM. These functions should never be called directly by an application. Instead use the corresponding functions in the DomServices function suite with the exception of the functions described below.

Also please refer to this document for differences between the two parser implementations.


This function sets various options for the Java parser that affects how it parses XML documents and builds the internal XML tree structure.

The input field ParserOption can take the following values:

ParserOption OptionValue Default Description
ValidateOnParse True or False False Specifies whether the parser should validate the XML document as it is parsed.

Note that the Java Parser only performs DTD validation.

PreserveWhiteSpace True or False False Specifies whether the parser should preserve or ignore white spaces in element content. Requires that the ValidateOnParse option is set to True if white spaces should be ignored.
NamespaceAware True or False True Specifies whether the parser should support namespaces.


This function set various options for the MSXML parser that affects how it parses XML documents and builds the internal XML tree structure.

The input field ParserOption can take the following values:

ParserOption ParserValue Default Description
AsyncLoad True or False False Specifies if asynchronous download is permitted.
ValidateOnParse True or False False Specifies whether the parser should validate the XML document as it is parsed.

For the validation to work, the document must contain a reference to the schema that is used to validate the document in a schemaLocation attribute.

PreserveWhiteSpace True or False False Specifies whether the parser should preserve or ignore white spaces in element content.
ResolveExternals True or False True Set to True if external definitions are to be resolved at parse time; False otherwise
SelectionNamespaces A string value representing a set of namespaces - Used to specify a set of namespaces for use in XPath expressions. Please refer to the MSXML documentation for details.
SelectionLanguage XPath XPath Used to set the query language used by selectNodes and selectSingleNode. Please refer to the MSXML documentation for details.