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TransacXML Tutorial


This tutorial shows how to access an XML document using the Websydian TransacXML patterns. The examples cover the use of core TransacXML functions, that combines import, export, and update functionality.

In Specify XML Export Functionality, an XML document is created and populated with data from a sample database. This process illustrates the export process also shown in the figure below. Also, a more advanced example is shown, where data is exported from the database into an XML document as a result of data imported from another XML document.

In Specify XML Import Functionality, a sample database is populated with data from an XML document. This process is a "test lab equivalent" to the import process shown in the figure below.

How the XML documents are transferred from one party to another is not covered in this implementation guide. Websydian TransacXML offers full support for Web Services, which is a relatively new way of implementing exchange of parties independently of platforms of languages - how it is done with Websydian is described in the Web Services section of Enterprise TransacXML Developer.

The TransacXML module enables the Websydian developer to access data in XML documents using well-known relational database functions such as SingleFetch and ProcessGroup.

Application Context

This tutorial implements functionality being used in the Web Services tutorial. The choice of names and placement of entities and functions might appear strange at first look, but the risk of initial confusion is a trade-off for better integration between the two tutorials.

TransacXML allows the developer to exchange data between XML documents and the application. In this tutorial import and export is demonstrated in simple examples. The functionality created here is then used in the Web Services tutorial to demonstrate the strength of TransacXML when developing Web Services.

The examples in this tutorial has no other purpose than demonstrating import and export capabilities of TransacXML. When used in the Web Services tutorial, however, even these simple examples gain power by allowing a broker to collect data from distributors placed in disparate systems, possibly only connected via the Internet.

It might be of benefit to see the application context description in the Web Services tutorial before continuing with this tutorial.

This tutorial is the foundation of the Web Services tutorial. Names are used which only really makes sense when seen in this context.

In this example, the following database entities are used to gather information about Items:

A local model complete with the entire TransacXML implementation guide is available for download in our download application.


The steps performed in this section has to be completed in order to complete the TransacXML tutorial. As a service a local model has been made available for download at the Websydian download area which implements the Sample Database Structure described in this section for Windows. 

Setup a new Plex model and database

Create a new group model and local model as described in the Plex documentation and make sure to attach the following Websydian libraries:

Specify the variant WSYDOM to one of the following variants:

For further information on how to setup the local model please follow the guidelines specified in Setting up your Plex  model.

Make sure to generate and build the objects scoped under the subject areas:


As described in the Setting up your Plex Model.

Make sure to set the variant of the Storage library and create a new database if required, consult the Plex documentation if in need of further information on databases and Plex.

Check XML parser dependencies

In order to work through this tutorial in the Windows version, you need to download the Microsoft XML Parser 4.0 (download the latest version of Microsoft XML Parser 4.0 from the Microsoft web site).

For a Java implementation, TransacXML uses the Xerces XML parser created by the Apache Organization. This parser is included in the Websydian distribution.

Sample Database Structure

A simple database is defined, containing information about items in stock for a distributor. The database is defined by the triples specified below.

Specify the following triples to define the Distributor database, the Data entity scopes all database related functionality:

Source Object Verb Target Object
Data includes ENT DistributorA
Data.DistributorA includes ENT Item
Data.DistributorA.Item is a RelationalTable
known by FLD ItemID
has FLD MyName
Delivery Time

Add the following triples to specify each field:

Source Object Verb Target Object
ItemID is a FLD Identifier
length NBR 40
MyName is a FLD ShortDescription
length NBR 40
Delivery Time is a FLD Int
MyPrice is a FLD Price

The broker has two database entities, a simple one containing limited information on items, and a full one containing all information:

Specify the following triples to define the Broker All Items database:

Source Object Verb Target Object
Data includes ENT Broker
Data.Broker includes ENT All Items
Data.Broker.All Items is a RelationalTable
known by FLD ItemID
has FLD MyName

Specify the following triples to define the Broker Returned Items database:

Source Object Verb Target Object
Data.Broker includes ENT Returned Items
Data.Broker.Returned Items is a RelationalTable
owned by ENT Data.Broker.All Items
has FLD MyName
Delivery Time

Model the XML documents in the Plex model

In this tutorial you will be implementing the XML documents ItemList and ReturnOffer.

The modeling of the XML document within Plex can be performed from a number of different sources, schemas, DTD or existing XML documents. In this tutorial the modeling will be performed from a number of XML documents and DTD's acting as examples. For further information on modeling your XML documents in your Plex model see the TransacXML implementation guide.

The XML document representing ItemList can be seen as the answer to the question: "What items do you have in your inventory?", whereas the XML document representing the ReturnOffer is the answer to the question: "What is the price and availability of these items?".

Below is shown the XML document for ItemList and ReturnOffer:

XML Document for Item List

DTD for ItemList

<?xml version='1.0'?>

 <Item ItemID="GID001">
  <Name>Hammer Microphone</Name>
 <Item ItemID="GID003">
  <Name>Standard Microphone</Name>
 <Item ItemID="GID004">
  <Name>Goldwire Microphone</Name>
 <Item ItemID="GID102">
  <Name>Bipolar Flex Wire</Name>
 <Item ItemID="GID104">
  <Name>Auxiliary Handle</Name>


<!ELEMENT ItemList (Item*)>
<!ELEMENT Item (Name)>


XML Document for ReturnOffer

DTD for ReturnOffer

<?xml version='1.0'?>
 <Item ItemID="GID001">
  <Name>Hammer Microphone</Name>



 <Item ItemID="GID003">
  <Name>Standard Microphone</Name>



 <Item ItemID="GID004">
  <Name>Goldwire Microphone</Name>


 <Item ItemID="GID102">
  <Name>Bipolar Flex Wire</Name>



 <Item ItemID="GID104">
  <Name>Auxiliary Handle</Name>




<!ELEMENT ReturnOffer (Item*)>
<!ELEMENT Item (Name,Price,DeliveryTime)>
<!ELEMENT DeliveryTime (#PCDATA)>

The shown DTDs  define the structure of the XML documents used in this example.

In order to use the TransacXML patterns, the XML document must be represented in the Plex model as entity and field objects (in this way it will be possible to access the contents of the XML document as though they were represented in relational tables).

Add the following triples to describe the two XML documents used in this tutorial. Consider taking a look at the Implementation Guide for an understanding of the different objects used to model the XML documents.

First the ItemList XML document

The CommonXML entity scopes the different XML documents.

Source Object Verb Target Object Comment
CommonXml includes ENT ItemList
All XML documents are scoped under one entity in this tutorial.
CommonXml.ItemList is a ENT XmlElement The ItemList is a complex element scoping the element Item
includes ENT Item
CommonXml.ItemList.Item is a ENT XmlRepeatingElement The complex element Item can occur more than once (repeating)
CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields field FLD ItemID
CommonXml.ItemList.Item has Fields.ItemID
CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.ItemID is a FLD AttributeField ItemID is a simple element.
CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.Name is a FLD ElementField Name is a simple element

Then the ReturnOffer XML document

Source Object Verb Target Object Comment
CommonXML includes ENT ReturnOffer All XML documents are scoped under one entity in this tutorial.
CommonXml.ReturnOffer is a ENT XmlElement The ReturnOffer is a complex element scoping the element Item
includes ENT Item
CommonXml.ReturnOffer.Item is a ENT XmlRepeatingElement The complex element Item can occur more than once (repeating)
field FLD ItemID
is a FLD AttributeField ItemID is a simple element
is a FLD ElementField Name is a simple element
is a FLD ElementField Name is a simple element
is a FLD ElementField Name is a simple element
CommonXml.ReturnOffer.Item has Fields.ItemID

In an application processing several different kinds of XML documents, it may be convenient to scope the XML document representations and functionality to a dedicated entity object (e.g. XmlDocuments).  In this way, the XML entity objects will not be mixed up with the entity objects specifying the application database.

Create a function to import sample data from an XML document

In this step you will be implementing a function that imports an XML document with sample data for your database. The sample XML data document is made available here. Please note there is no error handling in this function.

Specify triples to define the ImportSampleData function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
ImportSampleData is a FNC WSYXML/ImportXMLDocument Inherit from the function ImportXMLDocument to get the structure to do XML import functionality.
message MSG ImportFile  
local view VW
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
file name NME SmplData  
impl name NME SmplData  

Insert the following action diagram code into the specified Edit Points.  [Action diagram code]


Edit Point Process XML document

Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.GetFirstOccurrence

  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectDocument>

  // Map <ParentElement.NULL>

Go Sub Check error

Set Local/InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.GetFirstOccurrence/Output<ObjectNode>
While Local/InputDocument<ObjectElement> != <ObjectElement.NULL>

  Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch

    // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
    // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectElement>

  Go Sub Check error

  Set Local/InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch/Output<NextOccurrence>
  Cast ItemData<ItemID>, Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.ItemID>
  Cast ItemData<MyName>, Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Name>
  Cast ItemData<MyPrice>, Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Price>
  Cast ItemData<Delivery Time>, Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.DeliveryTime>

  Call Data.DistributorA.Item.Update.InsertRow

    // Map ItemData<ItemID>
    // Map ItemData<MyName>
    // Map ItemData<MyPrice>
    // Map ItemData<Delivery Time>


Edit Point Handle error message

Dialog Message Message: OBJECTS/Message
  // Map Environment<*Message text>

Pre Point Start load input document
Format Message Message: ImportSampleData.ImportFile, Local/InputDocument<FileName>

Set the contents of the ImportFile message to the location of the sample xml file; e.g.  c:\temp\SampleData.xml

Generate and Build Library Packages and functions

It is now time to generate and build functions from the Plex model created in this tutorial.

Generate and build the objects contained in the subject area specific for your choice of variant. Please refer to Generate and Build Considerations for more details.

Make sure that the supplied Websydian functions scoped to the following subject areas are generated and build


Generate and build the following

Everything scoped to Data
Everything scoped to CommonXml

Generate, build, and create an exe file for the function ImportSampleData.

Create Test Data

Run the ImportSampleData function to create a number of sample records.

Using the MSXML variant of WSYDom make sure that the WSYDXML11.DLL has been copied to the release directory,

Specify XML Export Functionality

With the application database and the XML document structure specified in the CA Plex model it is now time to specify the functionality that will export data from the database to an XML document.

In the first example the entire item database will be exported into an XML document conforming to the ItemList XML document.

In the second example, which is a bit more advanced, an external XML document determines which items to be exported. The specified items will be exported into an XML document conforming to the ReturnOffer XML document.

Export of data into ItemList document

In this example, all the items in the Distributor database is exported into a new XML document. Not all available information about the items are exported (Price and DeliveryTime are omitted).

First a function is created which loops over all the items in the database. The function should take a filename as input, allowing the calling function to determine where the resulting XML document should be saved.

Declare the fields:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
EndOfView is a FLD YesNo Field used to indicate that end of view has been reached

Specify triples to define the ExportItemListToXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
ExportItemListToXml is a FNC FunctionShell
input FLD ObjectStoreReference
local view VW
...for VAR
local FLD GridRow
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
file name NME ExportIL  
impl name NME ExportIL  

Open the action diagram for ExportItemListToXml and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]

Pre Point Subroutines

Sub Create root element

Sub Fetch item data

Sub Error check

Pre Point Execute

Go Sub Create root element

Go Sub Fetch item data

Go Sub Terminate

Sub Create root element

Set OutputDocument = Input

Call CommonXML.ItemList.InsertRow

  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>
  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

Go Sub Error check

Set OutputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ItemList.InsertRow/Output<ObjectElement>

Sub Fetch Item Data

Set Local<ItemID> = <ItemID.*Blank>

Set Local<EndOfView> = <EndOfView.No>

Set Local<Position> = <Position.Tes>

While Local<EndOfView> == <EndOfView.No>

  Call Data.DistributorA.Item.Fetch.BlockFetch

    // Map Local<ItemID>
    // Map Local<Position>
    // Map Local<RowsFetched>

  Set Local<Position> = <Position.No>

  If Environment<*Returned status> IS <State: OBJECTS/*Returned status.*Abnormal>

    Set Local<EndOfView> = <EndOfView.Yes>

  If Local<RowsFetched> >> <RowsFetched.*Zero>

    Set Local<GridRow> = <GridRow.*One>

    While Local<GridRow> <= Local<RowsFetched>

      Use FetchedData, Local<GridRow>

      Cast ItemList<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.ItemID>, FetchedData<ItemID>

      Cast ItemList<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.Name>, FetchedData<MyName>

      Call CommonXML.ItemList.Item.InsertRow

        // Map OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>

        // Map OutputDocument<ObjectElement>

        // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

        // Map ItemList<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.ItemID>

        // Map ItemList<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.Name>

      Go Sub Error check
      Set Local<GridRow> = Local<GridRow> + <GridRow.*One>


Gub Error check

If Environment<*Returned status> IS <State: OBJECTS/*Returned status.*Abnormal>

  Set Environment<*Returning status> = <*Returning status.*Error>

  Go Sub Terminate


Create a simple wrapper function to run the ExportItemListToXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
TestExportItemList is a FNC WSYXML/ExportXMLDocument Inherit from the function ExportXMLDocument to get the structure to do XML export functionality.
impl name NME testExIL  
file name NME testExIL  
message MSG OutputDocument  

Set the contents of the OutputDocument message to c:\temp\Request.xml

Open the action diagram for TestExportItemList and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]

Edit Point Process XML document

Call ExportItemListToXml

  // Map Local/OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map Local/OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

Format Message Message: TestExportItemList.OutputDocument, Local/OutputDocument<FileName>


Post Point Handle error message

Dialog Message Message: OBJECTS/Message
  // Map Environment<*Message text>


Generate and build the following functions:


Create an exe file for the TestExportItemListToXml function

As a result of running TestExportItemList, the file named Request.xml now exists in c:\temp. The contents of Request.xml is the exported list of items from the DistributorA database.

 View the file by opening it in an XML-capable browser. E.g. Internet Explorer

Export of data into ReturnOffer document

In this example, an existing XML document containing a list of items is processed, and a new XML document is created with extended information about each of the items contained in the input document.

Specify triples to define the ExportToReturnOffer

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
ExportToReturnOffer is a FNC FunctionShell
input FLD
...for VAR
input FLD
..for VAR
input FLD
...for VAR
input FLD
...for VAR
local FLD ItemID
local view VW
..for VAR
local FLD
..for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
..for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
file name NME ExportRO  
impl name NME ExportRO  

Open the action diagram for ExportToReturnOffer and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]

Pre Point Subroutines

Sub Initialize XML input document

Sub Initialize XML output document

Sub Loop through requested items

Sub Error check

Pre Point Execute

Go Sub Initialize XML input document

Go Sub Initialize XML output document

Go Sub Loop through requested items

Go Sub Terminate

Sub Initialize XML input document

Set InputDocument = InputDoc


Sub Initialize XML output document

Set OutputDocument = OutputDoc

Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.InsertRow

  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

  // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

Go Sub Error check

Set OutputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ReturnOffer.InsertRow/Output<ObjectElement>


Sub Loop through requested items

Call CommonXML.ItemList.Item.GetFirstOccurrence

  // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map InputDocument<ObjectDocument>

  // Map <ParentElement.NULL>

Set InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ItemList.Item.GetFirstOccurrence/Output<ObjectNode>

Go Sub Error check

While InputDocument<ObjectElement> != <ObjectElement.NULL>

  Call CommonXML.ItemList.Item.SingleFetch

    // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
    // Map InputDocument<ObjectElement>

  Set InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ItemList.Item.SingleFetch/Output<NextOccurrence>

  Go Sub Error check

  Cast Local<ItemID>, Data<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.ItemID>

  Call Data.DistributorA.Item.Fetch.SingleFetch

    // Map Local<ItemID>

  Go Sub Error check

  Cast OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.DeliveryTime>, FetchedData<Delivery Time>

  Cast OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.ItemID>, FetchedData<ItemID>

  Cast OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Name>, FetchedData<MyName>

  Cast OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Price>, FetchedData<MyPrice>

  Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.InsertRow

    // Map OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>

    // Map OutputDocument<ObjectElement>

    // Map OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

    // Map OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.DeliveryTime>

    // Map OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.ItemID>
    // Map OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Name>
    // Map OutputDocument<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Price>

  Go Sub Error check


Sub Error check

If Environment<*Returned status> IS <State: OBJECTS/*Returned status.*Abnormal>

  Set Environment<*Returning status> = <*Returning status.*Error>

  Go Sub Terminate

Create a simple wrapper function to test the ExportToReturnOffer function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
TestExportToReturnOffer is a FNC WSYXML/ImportXMLDocument
impl name NME TestExRO  
file name NME TestExRO  
message MSG InputDocument

Specify the contents of the InputDocument message to c:\temp\Request.xml

Specify the contents of the OutputDocument message to c:\temp\Response.xml

Open the action diagram for TestExportToReturnOffer and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]

Edit Point Process XML document

Call ExportToReturnOffer

  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectDocument>

  // Map Local/OutputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map Local/OutputDocument<ObjectDocument>

Format Message Message: TestExportToReturnOffer.OutputDocument, Local/OutputDocument<FileName>


Pre Point Start load input document

Format Message Message: TestExportToReturnOffer.InputDocument, Local/InputDocument<FileName>


Post Point Handle error message

Dialog Message Message: OBJECTS/Message
  // Map Environment<*Message text>


Generate and build the following functions:


Create an exe file for the TestExportToReturnOffer function

As a result of running TestExport, the file named Response.xml now exists in c:\temp.

 View the file by opening it in an XML-capable browser. E.g. Internet Explorer

Specify XML Import Functionality

In this part, functionality is specified that will import data from the XML documents created in the previous part into the Broker database.

Two examples are shown; one that imports from an XML document conforming to the ItemList XML document, and another that imports from an XML document conforming to the ReturnOffer XML document.

To implement the steps specified below it is necessary to first implement Specify XML Export Functionality as this is used as a foundation.

Import of data from ItemList document

It is now time to specify the functionality which will read and process an XML document conforming to the ItemList XML document, creating corresponding records in the Broker database.

Specify triples to define the CommonXML.ItemList.Item.BrokerProcessGroup function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
CommonXML.ItemList.Item function FNC BrokerProcessGroup  
is a FNC CommonXML.ItemList.Item.ProcessGroup  
local view VW
...for VAR
Data.Broker.All Items.Fetch
implement SYS YES  

Open the action diagram for CommonXML.ItemList.Item.BrokerProcessGroup and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]


Edit Point Process element

Call CommonXML.ItemList.Item.SingleFetch

  // Map Input<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map CurrentElement<ObjectElement>

Call Meta.CheckDOMCallError

Cast ItemData<ItemID>, CommonXML.ItemList.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.ItemID>

Cast ItemData<MyName>, CommonXML.ItemList.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ItemList.Item.Fields.Name>

Call Data.Broker.All Items.Update.InsertRow

  // Map ItemData<ItemID>
  // Map ItemData<MyName>

Call Meta.CheckDOMCallError

Specify triples to define the ImportItemListFromXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
ImportItemListFromXML is a FNC FunctionShell
input FLD
...for VAR
input FLD
...for VAR
local view VW
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
file name NME ImportIL  
impl name NME ImportIL  


Open the action diagram for ImportItemListFromXml and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]


Pre Point Subroutines   

Sub Error check

  If Environment<*Returned status> IS <State: OBJECTS/*Returned status.*Abnormal>

    Call DomServices.ErrorPop
    While DomServices.ErrorPop/Output<ExceptionCode2> IS <State: WSYDOM/ExceptionCode2.NO_EXCEPTION>

      Cast Environment<*Message text>, DomServices.ErrorPop/Output<ErrorDescription>

      Call DomServices.ErrorPop
    Set Environment<*Returning status> = <*Returning status.*Error>
    Go Sub Terminate

Edit Point Execute

Set InputDocument = InputDoc

Call CommonXML.ItemList.GetFirstOccurrence

  // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map InputDocument<ObjectDocument>

  // Map <ParentElement.NULL>

Go Sub Error check

Set InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ItemList.GetFirstOccurrence/Output<ObjectNode>
Call CommonXML.ItemList.Item.BrokerProcessGroup

  // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map InputDocument<ObjectElement>
Go Sub Error check

Go Sub Terminate

Create a simple wrapper function to run the ImportItemListFromXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
TestImportItemList is a FNC ImportXMLDocument  
file name NME testImp  
impl name NME testImp  
message MSG InputDocument  

Specify the contents of the InputDocument message to c:\temp\Request.xml

Open the action diagram for TestImportItemList and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]


Edit Point Process XML document

Call ImportItemListFromXML

  // Local/InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Local/InputDocument<ObjectDocument>


Pre Point Start load input document
Format Message Message: TestImportItemList.InputDocument, Local/InputDocument<FileName>


Generate and build the following functions:


Make sure creating an exe file for the TestImportItemList as well

As a result of running TestImportItemList, the items listed in the Request.xml file should now be in the Broker All Items database.

Import of data from ReturnOffer document

This example is almost identical to the first example, the only difference being the structure of the input document, and the number of fields imported for each item.

Specify triples to define the CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.BrokerProcessGroup function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item function FNC BrokerProcessGroup  
CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item. BrokerProcessGroup is a FNC CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.ProcessGroup  
local VW
Data.Broker.Returned Items.Fetch
implement SYS Yes  

Open the action diagram for BrokerProcessGroup and insert the following code in the Edit Point Process element. [Action diagram code]


Edit Point Process element

Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch

  // Map Input<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map CurrentElement<ObjectElement>

Call Meta.CheckDOMCallError

Cast ItemData<ItemID>, CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.ItemID>
Cast ItemData<MyName>, CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Name>
Cast ItemData<MyPrice>, CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.Price>
Cast ItemData<Delivery Time>, CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.SingleFetch/Data<CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.Fields.DeliveryTime>
Call Data.Broker.Returned Items.Update.InsertRow

  // Map ItemData<ItemID>
  // Map ItemData<MyName>
  // Map ItemData<MyPrice>
  // Map ItemData<Delivery Time>


Specify triples to define the ImportReturnOfferFromXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
ImportReturnOfferFromXml is a FNC FunctionShell
input FLD
...for VAR
input FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR
file name NME ImportRO  
impl name NME ImportRO  

Open the action diagram for ImportReturnOfferFromXml and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]

Pre Point Subroutines

Sub Error Check
If Environment<*Returned status> IS <State: OBJECTS/*Returned status.*Abnormal>
  Call DomServices.ErrorPop
  While DomServices.ErrorPop/Output<ExceptionCode2> IS <State: WSYDOM/ExceptionCode2.NO_EXCEPTION>
    Cast Environment<*Message text>, DomServices.ErrorPop/Output<ErrorDescription>
    Dialog Message Message: OBJECTS/Message
    Edit Point Handle error message
    Call DomServices.ErrorPop
  Set Environment<*Returning status> = <*Returning status.*Error>
  Go Sub Terminate

Edit Point Execute

Set InputDocument = InputDoc

Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.GetFirstOccurrence

  // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map InputDocument<ObjectDocument>

Set InputDocument<ObjectElement> = CommonXML.ReturnOffer.GetFirstOccurrence/Output<ObjectNode>
Go Sub Error check

Call CommonXML.ReturnOffer.Item.BrokerProcessGroup

  // Map InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map InputDocument<ObjectElement>

Go Sub Error check

Go Sub Terminate


Create a simple wrapper function to run the ImportItemListFromXml function:

Source Object Verb Target Object Comments
TestImportReturnOffer is a FNC ImportXMLDocument  
file name NME tstImpRO  
impl name NME tstImpRO  
message MSG InputDocument  

Specify the contents of the InputDocument  message to c:\temp\Response.xml

Open the action diagram for TestImportReturnOffer and insert the following code into the specified edit points and sub routines. [Action diagram code]


Edit Point Process XML document

Call ImportReturnOfferFromXML

  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectStoreReference>
  // Map Local/InputDocument<ObjectDocument>


Pre Point Start load input document
Format Message Message: TestImportReturnOffer.InputDocument, Local/InputDocument<FileName>

Generate and build the following functions:


Make sure creating an exe file for the TestImportReturnOffer as well


As a result of running TestImportReturnOffer, the items listed in the Response.xml file should now be in the Broker Returned Items database.