Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

API: AuthorizedEvent.GetEventBySiteName

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
AuthorizedEventSiteKey Input Input The unique identification of the site the event belongs to.
AuthorizedEventImplName Input Input The name of the authorized event to retrieve.
AuthorizedEventSurrogate Output Output The unique identification of the authorized event.
AuthorizedEventImplName Output Output The name of the authorized event event - the default value is the implementation name of the event handler that implements the authorized event.
AuthorizedEventDescription Output Output The description of the authorized event.
AuthorizedEventSiteKey Output Output The unique identification of the site the event belongs to.
Comment Output Output The comment specified for the event.


This function can be used to retrieve information about an authorized event if you do not have the AuthorizedEventSurrogate, but know the site and the name of the event.

This can be relevant if you want to augment the standard handling of authorized events in the PageGenerators with your own functionality.


Universal events