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API: Callback.AddFunctionToCallbackPoint

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
CallbackPointID Input Input Identifies the callback point the callback function must be assigned to.


SiteKey Input Input The unique identification of site, which the callback function is defined for.

If the callback point is global, you can leave this parameter blank - if the callback point is local, you must specify a value for this parameter.

CallbackFuncImplementationName Input Input The implementation name of the function. This is the name used for the dynamic call of the callback function.


CallbackFunctionDescription Input Input A textual description/name for the callback point.


CallbackPointComment Input Input Any comment/explanation/textual description you want to provide for the callback function.


CallbackFunctionSurrogate Output Output The unique identifier of the callback function that has been added to the callback point.
NumberOfErrors Error Output If an error has occurred when validating the callback function, a number of error messages can be returned in the ErrorArray. This parameter contains information about how many texts the array contains.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(10) Output An array of errors returned by the validation. The number of errors actually returned by the function is returned in the Error.NumberOfErrors parameter.


The API adds the specified callback function to the specified callback point. Doing so, means that each time the callback point is reached, this callback function will be called.

As the function is called dynamically, it is extremely important that the implementation name specified for the function is correct and that the function object is available for the application. You must also make sure that the interface of the function is the one specified for the callback point - or serious errors will occur.


Universal events