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API: Callback.CreateCallbackPoint

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
CallbackPointID Input Input The unique identification of the callback point. To ensure that this is unique, it is recommended that you use the implementation name of the function you are using to implement the callback point as the CallbackPointID.


CallbackPointName Input Input The name of the callback point. This is the name shown in lists/dropdowns etc.


CallbackPointLocalGlobal Input Input Specifies whether the callback point is local or global. For local callback points, you add functions for each site, while any functions added to a global callback point will be used no matter which site is being accessed.

Valid values: Local (L), Global (G)


CallbackPointURLForHelp Input Input By specifying a URL for e.g. a static HTML page, you can provide an explanation of the callback point, how it is used - what the interface of the callback functions must be etc.

This URL will be available as a link on the page showing the callback point in the administration interface.


CallbackPointComment Input Input Any comment/explanation/textual description you want to provide for the callback point.


CachingEnabled Input Input A yes/no field specifying whether the functions for the callback point should be cached.

For future use - the caching is currently not implemented.

Location Input Input Specifies whether the function is placed on the webserver or on the database server.

Valid values are: Webserver (W), Server (S).


NumberOfErrors Error Output If an error has occurred when validating the callback point, a number of error messages can be returned in the ErrorArray. This parameter contains information about how many texts the array contains.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(10) Output An array of errors returned by the validation. The number of errors actually returned by the function is returned in the Error.NumberOfErrors parameter.


The API creates a CallbackPoint. You can use either the administration interface or the Callback.AddFunctionToCallbackPoint API to specify which functions to call for the callback point.

Please note that the functions will not be called unless you have created a function that implements the callback point.


Universal events