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API: Callback.GetFunctionsForCallbackPoint

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
CallbackPointID Position Input Identifies the callback point the callback functions are assigned to.

This field restricts the list.


SiteKey Position Input The unique identification of site, which the callback function is defined for.

If the callback point is global, you can leave this parameter blank - if the callback point is local, you must specify a value for this parameter.

CallbackFunctionSequence Position Input Used to position the list on a specific sequence
Position Control Input Specifies whether the data in the Position variable is used for positioning when fetching the data.
RowsFetched Control Dual The number of records returned in the FetchedData variable.
CallbackFunctionSurrogate FetchedData (64) Output The unique identifier of the callback function that has been added to the callback point.
CallbackPointID FetchedData(64) Output Identifies the callback point, which the callback function is assigned to.
SiteKey FetchedData(64) Output  Identifies the site the function is specified for. For global callback points this is a blank value.
CallbackFunctionSequence FetchedData(64) Output  An integer determining the sequence of the function calls. The lower sequence, the earlier call. Can be used for positioning subsequent calls to the API.
CallbackFuncImplementationName FetchedData(64) Output The implementation name of the function. This is the name used for the dynamic call of the callback function.
CallbackFunctionDescription FetchedData(64) Output A textual description/name for the callback point.
CallbackPointComment FetchedData(64) Output Any comment/explanation/textual description you want to provide for the callback function.


This API is a BlockFetch type function that can retrieve a list of all the functions specified for a specific callback point.

For global callback points, all functions specified for the callback point is retrieved. For local callback points, only the functions specified for the specified site is retrieved.


Universal events