Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

API: RequestLog.GetLogEntry

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
RequestID FetchKey Input The unique identification of the request for which information is to be returned.
RequestID FetchedData Output The unique identification of the request returned.
RequestLogLevel FetchedData Output The level of the logging.
LogStartTimestamp FetchedData Output The date and time that the request entered the server.
LogEndTimestamp FetchedData Output The date and time that the request was finished processing.
LogUserField1 FetchedData Output Content, if any, of the user field 1. The content of this field can be updated by using the API UpdateRequestlogEntry.
LogUserField2 FetchedData Output Content, if any, of the user field 2.The content of this field can be updated by using the API UpdateRequestlogEntry.
LogUserField3 FetchedData Output Content, if any, of the user field 3.The content of this field can be updated by using the API UpdateRequestlogEntry.
LogUserStatus FetchedData Output Content, if any, of the user status field.The content of this field can be updated by using the API UpdateRequestlogEntry.
LogASIPAddress FetchedData Output The IP address of the Application Service that serviced this request.
LogASTCPPort FetchedData Output The port number of the Application Service that serviced this request.
EntryURL FetchedData Output The URL that was used to start this request.
RequestCharset FetchedData Output The character set used to encode the characters in this request.
RequestIPAddress FetchedData Output The IP address of the client that send the request to the server.
RequestContentType FetchedData Output The content type set by the client when sending the request to the server.
HTTPMethod FetchedData Output The HTTP method used to send the request from the client to the server. This field can have the value of GET or POST.
HTTPStatus FetchedData Output The HTTP status value.
RequestType FetchedData Output This is the type of request. The field can have the following values:
The initial request for the /admin site.
A web request.
A service request including XML requests.
Unknown request type.
ServiceOutboundFile FetchedData Output This is the name of the file that the request contained. This can be the XML file contained in the request.
ServiceInboundFile FetchedData Output This is the name of the file that the response contains. This can be the XML file contained in the response.
EventID FetchedData Output The ID of the event that is to the executed by WebsydianExpress. On the initial request this field will have the value of '*INIT'
ServiceID FetchedData Output The ID of the service to be executed by WebsydianExpress. This field is filled only if the RequestType has the value of 'S'.
LogUserSgt FetchedData Output This is the surrogate number of the user that send the request. If field is zero then a user is not logged on. If field is greater than zero then a user is logged on and the user can be found by calling the API UserSingleFetch mapping this filed as key.
LogSiteKey FetchedData Output This is the key of the site to which the request was send.
LogSessionSgt FetchedData Output This is the session surrogate that the request was issued under.
LogMenuLinkSgt FetchedData(64) Output For menu events, this is the unique identification of the menu item in the site structure.


This API behaves like a standard SingleFetch function. This API retrieves all fields from a record in the Requestlog.