Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

API: Site.GetSiteData

Scoped Name



Field Variable Description
SiteKey Input The identification of the Site.
SiteDescription Output A textual description or name of the Site.
EntryURL Output The URL mapped to the Site.
DispatcherUnsafeLearningMode Output No longer used.
StaticKeyUserPwdCrypt Output The value used when encrypting passwords (for future use).
DynamicKeyWebSign Output The key used for signing webinput fields.
SessionTimeOut Output Timeout in minutes.
HttpUrl Output The full URL to access the current site.
HttpsUrl Output The full URL to access the current site if using SSL.
FormAction Output The URL path used in FORM elements on the generated HTML pages.


Fetch information about a site.


WSE0017 - Error reading site

Universal events