Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

API: Site.GetSites

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
SiteKey Position Input Used for positioning the list when Control.Position=Yes.
SiteDescription Position Input Used for positioning the list when Control.Position=Yes.
Position Control Input Specifies whether the values specified for the fields in the Position variable should be used to position the start of the list.
RowsFetched Control Dual Specifies the number of sites retrieved by the call.
SiteKey FetchedData(64) Output The unique identification the site.
SiteDescription FetchedData(64) Output The name/description of the site.
FormAction FetchedData(64) Output The URL path used in FORM elements on the generated HTML pages.


FetchedData(64) Output The URL mapped to the Site.


SessionTimeOut FetchedData(64) Output Timeout in minutes
DefaultLanguageCode FetchedData(64) Output The default language assigned to sessions for this site.
HttpUrl FetchedData(64) Output The full URL to access the current site.
HttpsUrl FetchedData(64) Output The full URL to access the current site if using SSL.
CaseSensitivePassword FetchedData


Output Not used.
ServiceURLExtension FetchedData


Output The URL extension that specifies that the request is a service request.


Retrieves a list of all the sites that has been created for the current WebsydianExpress installation.


Universal events