Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

API: UserCreate

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
UserFolderListID Data Input The unique identification of the folder list the user should use (optional).
EmailAddress Data Input The E-mail address of the user (Mandatory).
LoginName Data Input The login name for the user (Mandatory).
FullName Data Input The full name of the user (Mandatory).
UserSiteKey Data Input The site, which the user should be able to access (Mandatory).

Please note that if one person should be able to access several sites, he will have to have one user profile for each site.

UserPassword Data Input The password for the user (Mandatory).
UserStatus Data Input The state of the user (Mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).

UserSurrogate Key Output The unique identification of the created user.
CrtByUserSgt Data Input The unique identification of the user creating the new user (Optional).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of records in the ErrorArray variable.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output An array of text descriptions of the errors encountered during the validation.


The function is used to create users without using the administration interface.

The function starts by calling the UserCreateValidation function that validates the input. If the validation is successful, the user is created, and the resulting user surrogate is written to the output variable Key, and the *Returned status is set to *Successful.

When an error is encountered during validation the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value, an error message is written to the ErrorArray and the number of errors is incremented with one. Please note that for certain system errors (missing objects etc.), it can happen that no messages will be written to the array. You should always use the *Returned status to evaluate the result of the call.


Universal events