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API: UserCreateValidation

Scoped Name



Field Variable ...as Description
UserFolderListID Data Input The unique identification of the folder list the user should use (optional).
EmailAddress Data Input The e-mail address of the user (mandatory).
LoginName Data Input The login name for the user (mandatory).
FullName Data Input The full name of the user (mandatory).
UserSiteKey Data Input The site, which the user should be able to access (mandatory).

Please note that if one person should be able to access several sites, he will have to have one user profile for each site.

UserPassword Data Input The password for the user (mandatory).
UserStatus Data Input The state of the user (mandatory).

Valid values: Active (A), Inactive (I), TooManyFailedLogins (F).

CrtByUserSgt Data Input The unique identification of the user creating the new user (optional).
NumberOfErrors Error Output The number of records in the ErrorArray variable.
ErrorMessage ErrorArray(20) Output An array of text descriptions of the errors encountered during the validation.


The API performs the necessary validation for the creation of a new user.

If the validation is successful *Returned status is set to *Successful.

If an error is encountered during validation the *Returned status is set to a non-successful value, an error message is written to the ErrorArray and the number of errors is incremented with one.

Please note that for certain system errors (missing objects etc.), it might happen that no messages will be written to the array. You should always use the *Returned status to evaluate the result of the call.

The following validation is performed:

User Status

The user status must be one of the values defined for the field ("Active", "Inactive", "TooManyFailedLogins").

Folder List

The folder list ID is optional but if it is used it must specify a defined folder list for the site the user is defined for. If you do not have the folder list ID you can obtain this by calling the FolderListSingleFetchSiteName server API or by calling the FolderListBlockFetchBySite server API.

If you do not specify a folder list for the user - the folder list for the user's sessions will be found based on the authorization of the user (see more about how the folder list is found for a session here).


This field is mandatory

Login Name

This field is mandatory. The combination of site key and login name must not already exist.

Full Name

This field is mandatory.


The site must exist.


This field is mandatory.

Surrogate for creating user

The surrogate is optional, but if it is specified, the user must exist.


Universal events