Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0


Scoped name



This function inherits from PageGeneratorForProcess but does not use the presentation when searching for the template.

This means that even though you use the page in a presentation where you have specified a suffix - the template used by Websydian Express when generating the page is the original one (file name without suffix).


This can often be used when you have simple child pages that you want to include on several parent pages. Common examples are the templates for dynamically loaded drop down boxes and child error pages used by functions inheriting from PageGeneratorWithErrorList.

If you do not inherit from PageGeneratorNoPresentation, and the pages you have included your child page are used under presentations for which you have defined template suffixes, you would have to create a version of the template for the child page for each suffix.

As the content of the child pages often are exactly the same - regardless of the presentation - it means that you will end up with a potentially large number of templates with the same content having different names. This means that the maintenance and control of the distribution of templates can become quite complex.

Inheriting from PageGeneratorNoPresentation means that the template with the original name (without a suffix) will be used regardless of the presentation.


The abstract function ErrorPageNoPresentation is a case where inheritance from PageGeneratorNoPresentation is used to ensure that you do not have to create a version of the template for each suffix defined for presentations where the error page is being used.

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