Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0


Scoped name



The ProcessEntryPoint is the function, which is called when WebsydianExpress activates a business process. This can happen when a frame that loads the business process is loaded or when a menu item that specifies the business process is pressed.

The ProcessEntryPoint starts the handling of the business process - in many cases just by calling the initial PageGenerator of the business process.


The implementation name of the ProcessEntryPoint is used as the process ID for the process.

As the ProcessEntryPoint functions are called dynamically (the call is generated at runtime) the interface needs to be the same for all ProcessEntryPoint functions. This means that the developer is not allowed to add fields to the input or output variable groups for these functions.


Special considerations

When you activate a business process using a menu service or a deep link, you have the capability of transferring parameters that can be accessed in the business process. These parameters should be retrieved in the ProcessEntryPoint.

From version 3.0.6, it is possible to set an option GetCurrentElement to Yes for the ProcessEntryPoint. This will activate a read of information about where in the site structure the ProcessEntryPoint was activated from - see the subroutine Get Current Element in the ProcessEntryPoint.

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