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WebsydianExpress - Callback Point



Global callback point implemented by the WebsydianExpress runtime.

Note that changing the callback functions for a global callback point impacts all the sites.

When is the callback point called

HandlingRequestEnd is called immediately after the request has been handled and the PageGenerator has returned the reply to the browser.

This is just before the Application Service jobs will stop handling the request and start listening for the next request.

How does the callback point influence later functionality

The callback functions for this callback point will not normally have any influence on the subsequent functionality.

Errors returned in *Returned Status are disregarded by the callback point.

Example of use

You can use this callback point together with ApplicationServiceStart, ApplicationServiceEnd and HandlingRequestStart to introduce a logging system for the application. If you log the time in this callback point and in HandlingRequestStart, you can find the processing time of the request on the server. In this way, you can find out whether a performance issue is related to the processing time or whether it is related to network issues.

Abstract callback function

Inherit from Callback.WebServer.HandlingRequestEnd.AbstractCallbackFunction to create a callback function that can be called by this callback point.