Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Installing WebsydianExpress for Java

Step 1: Prerequisites

WebsydianExpress installation program

Make sure that you have the latest version of the WebsydianExpress for Java installation program.

Microsoft SQL Server

If you plan on using Microsoft SQL Server and do not all ready have one configured we recommend installing the Microsoft SQL 2008 Express Edition.

Make sure that you have your SQL Server listening on a TCP Port in order for the Java JDBC database driver to connect to it.

Servlet Engine

This installation guide requires that you have installed either version 5.x or 6.x of the servlet engine from Apache named Tomcat. The installation program for WebsydianExpress includes a packaging tool that will help you move to another servlet engine if required.

The Tomcat servlet engine requires Java version 5 or later. Obtain this at http://www.java.com


If you plan on installing any of the components of WebsydianExpress on your iSeries you will need to make sure the following requirements are met:

  1. iSeries is running OS/400 V5R3 or later
  2. If you plan on running the web server on your iSeries make sure you have the latest available WebSphere Application Server installed and that it has been configured for integration with the IBM HTTP Server.
    Please note that you will also need to install latest cumulative PTF's and availble group PTF's for the Java environment and WebSphere Application Server.
  3. Make sure you have FTP services running and configured on your iSeries (used by the installation program)
  4. User profile installing WebsydianExpress have SECADM privileges.

Step 2: Install required files to your PC

Execute the installation program Express_v3.0.4_Java.exe.

Step 1: Supply information

  1. Welcome page
    Press the Next button.
  2. Choose destination Location
    Select the location where you which to install WebsydianExpress.
    Press the Next button.
  3. License agreement
    Read and accept the license agreement of WebsydianExpress.
    Press the Next button.
  4. Select web server location
    Select whether you want to use a web server that is installed on a PC or one that is installed on an iSeries.
    Press the Next button. 
  5. Basic web server component information
    Specify the relevant information for the webserver you want to use:
    Host name: The server where the web server is installed.
    HTTP Port: The port the web server is listening on.
    Context Root: The first part of the URL that will be used to access the installed application.
    Servlet URL: The part of the URL that will follow immediately after the Context Root.
    Log level: The log level that will be used by the application.

    iSeries Only
    Base path for files: For installations where the web server is installed on an iSeries server, a folder structure will be copied to the IFS - specify the path of the folder in which the structure will be installed.
    iSeries user/password: This user information is used to transfer the folder structure from the to the iSeries specified by the Host name.
    Press the Next button
  6. Specify mail settings for error reporting
    It is possible to let WebsydianExpress send error mails if critical errors occurs. This is highly recommended for production environments.
    Select whether you want WebsydianExpress to report errors using e-mails.
    If you choose to send mails you must specify information about how the mails should be sent:
    Mail Server (SMTP): This is the mail server that will be used to send the mails.
    Mail recipient: The e-mail address the mails should be sent to.
    Mail sender: The e-mail address that should be used as the sender of the mails.
    Mail subject: The subject of the error mails.
    Press the Next button.
  7. Regional settings
    Select the format of date, time, and timestamp fields.
    Press the Next button.
  8. WebsydianExpress database location
    Select whether you want the WebsydianExpress system database to be installed on an iSeries or on an SQL-server.
    This database will contain the data used by the WebsydianExpress runtime and will be created as part of the installation process.
    Note that you do not have to store your application data in this database - in a later step in the installation, you will be asked to specify the location of you application database.
    Press the Next button.
  9. Specify information about the WebsydianExpress database server. The required information depends on the selection made on the previous page.

    iSeries information (
    iSeries was selected):
    Specify the following information about the iSeries that you want to install the WebsydianExpress database on:
    Host name: The name of the iSeries.
    Data base library: The library where the WebsydianExpress is to be installed. This library may not exist.
    User/Password: This information will be used when transferring the database objects to the specified iSeries. It will also be used when the application will access the data. You should consider specifying a special user whose password does not expire.

    Database server (MS-SQL was selected):
    Select the database server where you want to install the WebsydianExpress database.
    You must specify a user and a password that can be used when accessing the database. Windows authentication can't be used in this case.
    Specify the name of the catalog where WebsydianExpress will store the system data. This catalog may not exist on the specified server
    When you press Next for this page, the install function will validate the user/password information by accessing the specified server with the specified credentials.

    Press the Next button.
  10. Location of application database
    Select whether your application database (the database used by your custom developed business processes) is placed on an iSeries or on an SQL-server.
    Note that this database will not be created as part of the installation. The specified information is only required to make business processes deployed in WebsydianExpress capable of accessing the database.
    Press the Next button.
  11. Specify information about the application database server. The required information depends on the selection made on the previous page.

    Application database information (iSeries was selected):
    Specify the following information about the iSeries that you want to access the application database on:
    Host name: The name of the iSeries.
    Data base library: The library where the application database is found. Often this will be an existing library containing existing business data.
    User/Password: This information will be used when the custom developed part of the application accesses the application data. You should consider specifying a special user whose password does not expire.

    Database server (MS-SQL was selected)
    Select the database server where you want to access the database.
    You must specify a user and a password that can be used when accessing the database. Windows authentication can't be used in this case.
    Specify the name of the catalog where application data is stored. This can be an existing catalog. Note that if you specify a non-existing catalog, you must create it manually. When you press Next for this page, the install function will validate the user/password information by accessing the specified server with the specified credentials.

    Press the Next button
  12. Ready to install the program
    Pres the Install button

Step 2: Installation

At this point, the install function creates the war-file that is used when deploying to the web server - and it processes/transfers the objects and scripts that relates to the database.

The process is highly dependent on the locations of the web server and the WebsydianExpress database. For each of the possible combinations, different information and selections will be presented to you.

Web server and WebsydianExpress database on PC

In this case, the install function has all the necessary information for creating the WebsydianExpress database. This is done without any user interaction.

The function then creates the war-file that is used for deploying the application to the web servers servlet container.

If you have a Tomcat installed on the PC, where you are running the installation, the function will ask whether you want to install the application on the Tomcat.

Web server on PC, WebsydianExpress database on iSeries

The install function will launch a separate function that will transfer the necessary objects to the iSeries specified in step 9 above. The function will create a library named WXP30JINST on the iSeries. If this library already exists, you get the option to rename the target library.

At the end of the installation, a page showing an iSeries command that you must run on the iSeries specified in step 9.

Copy the command from the page and run it on the specified iSeries after adding WXP30JINST (or the library you have chosen instead) to your library list.

This command creates the WebsydianExpress database in the library specified in step 9.

The install function then creates the war-file that is used for deploying the application to the web servers servlet container. If you have a Tomcat installed on the PC, where you are running the installation, the function will ask whether you want to install the application on the Tomcat.

Web server on iSeries, WebsydianExpress database on PC

In this case, the install function has all the necessary information for creating the WebsydianExpress database. This is done without any user interaction.

The install function will launch a separate function that will transfer the necessary objects to the web server iSeries specified in step 5 above. The function will create a library named WXP30JINST on the iSeries. If this library already exists, you get the option to rename the transferred library.

At the end of the installation, a page showing an iSeries command that you must run on the web server iSeries specified in step 5.

Copy the command from the page and run it on the specified iSeries after adding WXP30JINST (or the library you have chosen instead) to your library list.

This command only installs the web server related objects.

The install function then creates the war-file that is used for deploying the application to the web servers servlet container. If you have a Tomcat installed on the PC, where you are running the installation, the function will ask whether you want to install the application on the Tomcat. As you have chosen to install on an iSeries, you should select No to this question.

You will have to transfer the war-file manually to the iSeries (see below).

Web server and WebsydianExpress database on the same iSeries

The install function will launch a separate function that will transfer the necessary objects to the iSeries specified in step 5/9 above. The function will create a library named WXP30JINST on the iSeries. If this library already exists, you get the option to rename the transferred library.

At the end of the installation, a page showing an iSeries command that you must run on the iSeries specified in step 5/9.

Copy the command from the page and run it on the specified iSeries after adding WXP30JINST (or the library you have chosen instead) to your library list.

This command handles the installation of both web server and database related objects.

The install function then creates the war-file that is used for deploying the application to the web servers servlet container. If you have a Tomcat installed on the PC, where you are running the installation, the function will ask whether you want to install the application on the Tomcat. As you have chosen to install on an iSeries, you should select No to this question.

You will have to transfer the war-file manually to the iSeries and deploy it using the WebSphere administration interface.

Web server and WebsydianExpress database on separate iSeries

Install web server objects

The install function will launch a separate function that will transfer the necessary objects to the web server iSeries specified in step 5 above. The function will create a library named WXP30JINST on the iSeries. If this library already exists, you get the option to rename the transferred library.

At the end of the installation, a page showing an iSeries command that you must run on the web server iSeries specified in step 5.

Copy the command from the page and run it on the specified iSeries after adding WXP30JINST (or the library you have chosen instead) to your library list.

This command only installs the web server related objects.

Install database objects

The install function will launch a separate function that will transfer the necessary objects to WebsydianExpress database iSeries specified in step 9 above. The function will create a library named WXP30JINST on the iSeries. If this library already exists, you get the option to rename the transferred library.

At the end of the installation, a page showing an iSeries command that you must run on the WebsydianExpress database iSeries specified in step 9.

Copy the command from the page and run it on the specified iSeries after adding WXP30JINST (or the library you have chosen instead) to your library list.

This command only installs the database related objects.

Create war-file

The install function then creates the war-file that is used for deploying the application to the web servers servlet container. If you have a Tomcat installed on the PC, where you are running the installation, the function will ask whether you want to install the application on the Tomcat. As you have chosen to install on an iSeries, you should select No to this option.

You will have to transfer the war-file manually to the iSeries and deploy it using the WebSphere administration interface.

Step 3: Finish installation

After this step, the installation finished page is shown.

Press Finish to end to installation.

At this point a browser window will open. A document that shows all of the specified values are shown together with information about the URL's you can use to access the application are shown.

If you have selected to install web server and/or WebsydianExpress database on iSeries, the iSeries command(s) to run are also shown in the document.

This document is name InstallationSummary.htm and can be found in your installation folder.

What is next

We recommend that you read the following document in order to secure your WebsydianExpress installation before going into production

Obtain a license for the Websydian Server

By default the WebsydianExpress is installed with an unregistered license of the Websydian Server providing 10 concurrent sessions.

You have the option to obtain a registered version for 10 concurrent sessions for free that enables you to find a starting point on the number of concurrent sessions required by your applications.

For pricing on concurrent sessions please contact info@websydian.com.