Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

How to setup IBM HTTP Server to run the Websydian Web Server Component for iSeries

Step 1: Open the IBM Web Administration for iSeries

  1. Start a Web browser
  2. Type http://[your_iseries]:2001 in the URL field to start the iSeries Tasks Web page, where [your_iseries] is the name of your iSeries server

    Example: http://ibm.com:2001
  3. Login using a iSeries user with authority *IOSYSCFG
  4. Click the IBM Web Administration for iSeries (menu item 1).

If you get an error trying to display the IBM Web Administration for iSeries try starting the administration interface by doing the following:

  1. Start a 5250 session on your iSeries server where IBM HTTP Server for iSeries is installed.

For further information, please following information available from IBM at:



 Step 2: Add WebsydianExpress information to the HTTP configuration file


  1. Select the tab "HTTP Servers"
  2. Select the HTTP Server instance to configure
  3. On the left hand menu find section Tools
  4. Select the "Edit Configuration File" menu item
  5. Append the lines from the text area "Web Server Configuration" of the "Transfer Complete" dialog
    to the end of the Configuration file leaving existing information intact

  6. Press OK button

Step 3: Restart the HTTP Server

  1. Restart the HTTP server using the buttons at the top of the page