Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

WebsydianExpress - Message

WSE0103 - Folder List could not be found for Session

Error message

No Folder List could be found for the User &1. IsIPInIntranet was &2. Check the Roles for the User.


&1 - The User ID for the Session.

&2 - The field specifies whether the session was an intranet session ("Y") or an extranet session ("N").


The runtime tried to determine a folder list for a session, but was unable to do so. This means that an error has been shown to the user, and that the session has been unable to proceed.

The folder list for a session is determined by either a folder list specified directly for the user - or by the folder lists specified for the roles that the user belongs to.

The most common reason for this error is that the user has no folder list specified - and does not belong to any roles.

If the IsIPInIntranet flag is No, the reason can also be that all of the roles specified for the user is specified as being for Intranet use only.


Check the roles specified for the user (to obtain information about the user in question, use the "Find Surrogate" menu item in the administration interface). Make sure that the user belongs to at least one role - and if the user should be able to access the site from outside the intranet - that he belongs to at least one role that does not have the IntranetOnly flag set to Yes.