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Maintain Alias


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Site structure →Aliases

Using this process, you can maintain the aliases defined for the site. Aliases are used to refer to a link in the site structure. This is used for deep linking and menu services.

Grid Page

This is the entry page for the maintenance of alias.

The grid shows the alias together with a short description of the alias and an optional comment. The records are ordered by the name of the alias.

Entering a value in the "Search for" field and pressing "Find" limits the data in the grid to records, where the alias contains the value entered.

Entering a value in the "Start with" field positions the grid on the record immediately following the entered value (based on alias).


Pressing "Update" for a record in the grid gives you the opportunity to change values for alias, description and comment.

Please note that if you change the value for the alias you will also have to change any templates that uses the alias.


Pressing "Delete" for an alias in the grid leads to a confirmation page, where you can either select to confirm the deletion by pressing "Delete" or avoid deleting the alias by pressing "Cancel".

An alias can't be deleted if it is used in the site structure tree.


Pressing "Insert" on the grid page leads to a page, where you can enter values for the alias, the description for the alias and an optional comment for the alias.

The alias entered will be the text, which you write in the template when referring to the link for a menu service or a deep link.

Related Information

Menu Services
An introduction to menu services (internal links).
Deep Links
An introduction to deep links (external links).