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Maintain Callback Functions


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Site Configuration → Callback functions

This function is where you specify the callback functions to call for each  callback points specified by the system.

It also allows you create you own callback points - and to assign callback functions to these callback points.

Grid Page

In the top of the grid page, you find a drop down box. Use this to select the callback point you want to work with. The grid itself shows the callback functions currently added to the callback point selected in the drop down box.

The callback functions will be called in the order shown in the grid. When a callback function is added, it will be placed at the bottom of the grid. You can control the sequence of the calls by using the Move/Move Down buttons shown for each grid line.

When selecting a global callback point a warning is shown to ensure that the administrator is aware of the fact that the changes made to the callback functions will impact all sites.

Beside the dropdown box controlling the selection of the callback point, you will find one or two buttons.

The first leads to the callback point maintenance, where you can define your own callback points.

The second button is only shown if you have specified a value for URLForHelp for the currently selected callback point. The button pops a browser window showing the content specified by the URL. If you want this functionality for your own callback points, just specify a URL for the static page containing the description of the callback point.


Gives you the option to update the information about the callback function.


Deletes the information for the callback function and removes the callback function from the list of functions to call for the callback point.


Adds a new callback function to the list of callback functions to call for the callback point.

The callback function will be added as the last in the list. You can change this position by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the grid.

Callback Point Grid

This is the page that is shown when you go to the callback point maintenance. This grid shows a list of the user defined callback points.

Note that the system defined callback points are not shown as they should not be manually maintained.

Callback Point Insert

This function makes it possible to create your own callback points.

Callback Point Delete

Deletes a callback point.

Note that this also deletes all callback functions specified for the callback point.


The following fields are used on the pages:

Maintain Callback Functions

Callback Point ID

This is the unique identification of the callback point.

Implementation Name

This is the object name of the program to call for the callback function.

The program specified by this implementation name call must have the interface used by the dynamic call that is performed in the callback point.


A name/description of the callback function.


Here you can document the behavior of the callback function so that it is possible to find out what the callback function does without having the code available.

Maintain Callback Points

Callback Point ID

This is the unique identification of the callback point. To ensure that you can deploy your own callback points to multiple systems you might want to select the implementation name of the function implementing the callback point as the Callback Point ID.

Callback Point Name

Descriptive name for the callback point. This text will be shown together with the callback point ID in the drop down, where you select which callback point you want to work with.


Here you can make a short description of the callback point. E.g. when it is called.


In this field you can specify a URL for a static HTML page containing information about the callback point, how to use it, when it is called and other information you want to make available on the page where the callback functions are added to the callback points.

Note that you will have to create and deploy the static page so that it corresponds with this URL - this is not done by the system.


Specifies whether the callback point is site specific (Local) or is independent of sites (Global). When adding a callback function to a local callback point, the callback functions will only be called for requests for the site you are currently administrating. When adding a callback function for a global callback point, the callback function will be called no matter which site the request belongs to.


Currently not in use


This specifies whether the callback point is a web server or a server function. This is relevant when specifying callback functions for the callback point.