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Custom Field Functions


Custom field functions are used to perform a task for a custom field - either to validate the field, to format the when it is going to be shown on the web page or to convert the field to an internal format when it is going to be saved in the database.

Before you can assign a function to a custom field, the function must have been specified for the task you want to use it for.

The maintenance functions used to define and maintain the custom fields are a bit special in that they can only be called from the custom field maintenance pages (insert/update custom field). The custom field maintenance functions doubles as selector functions for the custom fields.

The following fields can be updated:

Function Name

The implementation name for the function. There must be a function with this name in the library list when the custom field is being shown/updated and the interface of this function must correspond to the type of custom field function you are defining.


A description of the function


It is recommended that you outline the functionality/purpose of the function in this field.

Grid Page

The grid page is loaded as the first page when the business process is called from the custom field maintenance. The process will always have been called for a specific type of function (validate, convert input, format output).

The type of function that is being handled is shown in the header e.g. "Select Input Function".

All functions of the specified type currently defined in the system will be shown in the grid.

By pressing the "Select" button, the function is selected, the pop up is closed and the selected value is transferred to the input field on the custom field maintenance page.

In addition to selecting functions, the process also offers a standard maintenance of the custom field functions.


This is a standard update page, providing the option to update the information registered for a custom field.


Offers the possibility to delete a custom field function. You can't delete functions that are used by custom fields.


Offers the possibility to define new custom field functions.