Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Maintain URL Site Elements


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Site Structure→URL Elements.

In a number of situations you want the contents of a frame to refer to an external URL address. E.g. to show graphics or to include an external application inside WebsydianExpress.

The use of URLs in the framework is described here.

To control the activation of the URLs, it is necessary to define them in the Site Structure.

Grid Page

The grid shows all URLs currently defined for the site.

For each record there is information about the name the URL will have in the site structure tree and the URL address in question.


You can update the information about the URL. That is the name of the URL, the URL address to activate, and the comment for the URL.


You are not allowed to delete a URL if it is used in the site structure tree.

Change to...

During the construction of a site it is sometimes convenient to use a URL instead of a business process (as the business process might not exist).

Instead of deleting the URL and create a business process, which must then be inserted in the site structure in the exact same place as the URL was placed - this function offers the possibility of changing the URL to a business process or a frameset.


The Roles button loads the roles maintenance for the URL site element as a pop up window.



The name of the URL.


The HTTP address for the URL.