Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Find Template


This is the reference documentation for the administration menu item: Templates→Find Template

WebsydianExpress makes it possible to define a number of templates for one function.

This can be achieved by either defining a number of presentations for one content loader or by having the same template in several versions in different folders in the folder lists.

One problem inherent in this flexibility is that if a user reports an error on a page it can be very hard to establish which template contains the problem.

For security reasons it is not desirable to write the path and filename on the generated page.

Instead, a template identification is written to all pages generated.

The "Find Template" functionality allows this identification to be translated to the path and filename of the template used to generate the page.


The Template ID can be found by viewing the source for the generated HTML page. The ID itself is preceded by the text "TemplateID:" and contains three fields separated by underscores (the ID is the total string including the underscores).

Copy the ID to the input field "Template ID" on the page and press "Show" and the information about path and filename will be shown.


For example, if the comment line containing the template id is:

<!-- TemplateID: WSFILE_8_66 - WSY_WebAdministration.ShowTemplate.ShowTemplateAndPath - Generation timestamp: 2005-07-19 15:17:26.000 -->

Then the text to copy to the function is: