Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Update URL element


This page is used to add a new URL element to the Service Structure.

The function consist of a single page, which contains input fields and drop down boxes for each field, that can be changed for the URL element. A link is provided to maintain the Service Processors.


URL mask

The extension to the site's URL of the service.

If the site has an entry URL of /express30/site/basicsite and the Service request extension of /services and you have entered soap in the URL mask, then the complete path to this service will be:


Service processor

Select the Service processor that must be used on this URL.

If you need to create a new one, or edit an existing, then click on the button Edit the the right of the drop down box.


A description of the service. This description is used in Service structure tree and other pages to identify this service.


A comment about this service.


The status of the service. As long as the service has the status set to Inactive, no requests will be processed. To the clients the result will be an error.

The purpose of this field is to be able to set-up a service but not publish it until the right time. Also if a service does not execute as expected, it can be inactivated until it has been corrected and can be active again.

Intranet only

If checked, the service will only respond to requests that originate from the Intranet. If a request is sent from outside the client will get an error just as if the service did not exist.

If not checked, the service will respond to requests that originate from both inside and outside (the Internet).

Temporary files location

Enter a folder/path where temporary files created by this service will get stored.

Please note:

If the field is left blank files will be stored in the standard temporary files folder.



Clicking this button will take you back to the Service structure. The information you have entered in the fields is discarded.


Clicking this button will validate the fields and save the information to the database in case of no error and then return you to the Service Structure tree.

Related information

Maintain Service Processors
Documentation for the Maintain Service Processors function.
Understanding the Service Structure
Document that describes how the Service Structure is build and its components.