Two examples of business processes developed in RPG are part of the upgraded objects, if you are upgrading from version 1.0, these business processes are not already made available in the interface. This document describes how these business processes are made available in the demo site.
Log into the demosite as administrator.
The objects needed for the business process is already installed. To make the business process known to the system, you must use the administration menu item "Processes->Maintain Processes" to specify the business process to the run time. Press "Insert" on the grid page to create a new business process. On the Insert Page, enter the following values to create the business process for the Customer Registration business process:
Go to the Insert Page again, and enter the following values to define the Order Catalog business process:
After doing this use the menu item "Site Structure->Site Structure" to add these two business processes to the Site structure. Choose your own position of the menu items in the menu.