Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.0

Upgrade messages


All error messages thrown during the export process has a text that starts with "Export:".

WSE175 - No folder list found for role.




Export: No Folder List could be found for the authlevel &2 (&1). The role has been created without a folder list.


In version 1.2, each folder list had an authorization level assigned. This meant that the folder list would not be assigned for any sessions where the authorization level of the session was lower than the one specified folder list.

This connection between folder lists and authorization levels means that there could be authorization levels with no corresponding folder lists.

If a session had ever used used one of these authorization levels, an error would have occurred as it would be impossible to assign a folder list to a session.

In version 2.0, each role has a folder list assigned. This error occurs in the situations, where no folder list can be found for the authorization level which the role is based on.

The role will be created without any folder lists in the 2.0 site. After importing the definitions into the 2.0 site, it is recommended that you either delete the resulting role or assign a folder list to the role.

WSE176 - Unknown site




Export: The specified site could not be read. No site data has been exported.


This error can only occur if there is an error in the export tool. Contact Websydian Support.


All error messages thrown during the import process has a text that starts with: "Import:".

WSE152 - Alias already exists




Import: The alias with ID &1 already exists in the site. The existing alias definitions are used.


An alias that should have been imported already exists in the 2.0 site. The existing alias definitions are used instead of the ones from the import file.

This has no influence on the functionality of the site. The only possible difference is the name of the alias. This name is only used in listboxes showing the alias selection.

Unless you find it important that the text description for the alias in the 2.0 site is the same as the one in the 1.2 site, you can disregard this message.

WSE153 - Alias not found




Import: The Element &2 (Sgt &3) refers an alias (Sgt &1) that has not been exported.


A site element has a reference to an alias. However, this alias is not present in the import file.

At the moment, WebsydianExpress makes no use of the alias for site elements. This means that unless you have made your own custom handling of this non-documented database relation, you can disregard this message.

WSE154 - Presentation not found




Import: The Element &2 (Sgt &3) refers a presentation (Sgt &1) that has not been exported.


In this case, a site element (e.g. a business process, menu loader, or frameset element) refers a presentation - but information about this presentation could not be found in the import file.

This is a potentially serious error that should be investigated as follows:

Use the "Utilities →Surrogate" process in the administration interface of the 1.2 site to check:

  1. Does the presentation surrogate (&1) exist in the 1.2 site
  2. Does the site element (surrogate &3) exist and is it used in the site structure.

WSE155 - New name for folder list




Import: A folder list with the name &1 already exists. The imported folder list has been renamed to &2.


To make sure that the administration interface of the 2.0 site will work after the upgrade, all folder lists that has been defined as part of the installation of the 2.0 site is preserved. If the import process discovers that an existing folder list has the same name as a folder list that should be imported, it renames the folder list to import and writes this message to the log.

This has no effect on the functionality of the upgraded 2.0 site.

You can use the Folder List maintenance in the administration interface of the 2.0 site to update the name of the folder lists after the update.

WSE156 - No folder list name could be generated




Import: A folder list with the name &1 already exists in the site. No new name could be generated.


The import process tried to rename an imported folder list (see the WSE155 event for the explanation of this) - but a new unique name could not be generated.

The folder list could not be created. This situation should not occur.

WSE157 - Folder list not found for folder list / folder relation




Import: A folder list/folder relation refers a folder list (ID: &1) that has not been imported.


The import file specifies a relation between a folder list and a folder - but no information about the folder list could be found in the import file.

Check whether a WSE156 (No folder list name could be generated) has been written to the message log previous to this error - if this is the case, a folder list has not been imported, which might explain the error.

Otherwise, this almost has to be an error in the 1.2 site.

The only way to investigate this is to check whether a record with the folder list ID specified by parameter &1 exists in the file WSDIMOP (folder lists) in the WebsydianExpress database library for the 1.2 installation. The implementation name for the folder list id field is "WS5yc33A".

If there are no such record in the 1.2 site, the error originates in the 1.2 site - and the message can be disregarded. Otherwise, please contact Websydian Support so that we can investigate why the folder list has not been exported.

WSE158 - No Folder found for folder list / folder relation




Import: A folder list/folder relation refers to a folder (Sgt &1) that does not exist.


The import file specifies a relation between a folder list and a folder - but no information about the folder could be found in the import file.

The only way to investigate this is to check whether the file a record with the folder surrogate specified by the parameter &1 exists in the file WSFOLRP (folders) in the WebsydianExpress data base library for the 1.2 installation. The implementation name for the folder surrogate field is "WS5yc6tA".

If there are no such record in the 1.2 site, the error originates in the 1.2 site - and the message can be disregarded. Otherwise, please contact Websydian Support so that we can investigate why the folder has not been exported.

WSE159 - No parent site element found for site structure link




Import: A link in the site structure (Sgt &1) refers a parent node (Sgt &2) that has not been imported.


The import process has encountered a site structure link (the attachment of a site element to another site element in the structure) where the surrogate specified for the parent element can't be found in the import file. As the parent element specifies where the link is to be added to the site structure, it could not be created.

Check whether the parent element actually exists in the 1.2 site by entering the administration interface of the 1.2 site and use "Utilities→Surrogate" to check whether the parent element (identified by the &2 parameter in the message) exists.

If the site element is not found, the error originates in the 1.2 database and can be disregarded.

If the site element exists in the 1.2 site, please use the same process to check whether the link specified by the parameter &1 specifies this site element as the parent element. You can also find out which child element the link specifies - this should provide enough information for manually creating the link in the 2.0 site.

WSE160 - No child site element found for site structure link




Import: A link in the site structure (Sgt &1) refers a child node (Sgt &2) that has not been imported.


The import process has encountered a site structure link (the attachment of a site element to another site element in the structure) where the surrogate specified for the child element can't be found in the import file. As the child element specifies what the link should add to the site structure, it could not be created.

Check whether the child element actually exists in the 1.2 site by entering the administration interface of the 1.2 site and use "Utilities→Surrogate" to check whether the child element (identified by the &2 parameter in the message) exists.

If the site element is not found, the error originates in the 1.2 database and can be disregarded.

If the site element exists in the 1.2 site, please use the same process to check whether the link specified by the parameter &1 specifies this site element as the child element. You can also find out which parent element the link specifies - this should provide enough information for manually creating the link in the 2.0 site.

WSE161 - Alias not found for link in the site structure




Import: A link (Sgt &2) refers an alias (Sgt &1) that has not been imported.


The import process has imported a link, but the link specified an alias that could not be found. The alias'es for links is what is used when creating menu service links.

This means that even though the link has been created, any menu service links specified in a template will not work - as the alias is not used in the site structure.

Use the administration interface of the 1.2 site, the menu item "Utilities→Surrogate", to find information about which link (parameter &1) that has not had the alias assigned.

If no alias is shown on the result page, the error originates in the 1.2 site and can be disregarded.

If an alias is shown, create a corresponding alias manually in the 2.0 site and assign this to the link (in the site structure in the administration interface of the 2.0 site).

WSE162 - Process not found for a presentation




Import: The Presentation &2 (Sgt &1) refers a process (Sgt &3), which has not been imported.


A presentation refers to a process that is not specified in the import file.

Under our tests of the upgrade functionality we have found that in some cases the basicsite, as it is installed in version 1.2, and any sites created using the "Create Site" function, actually contains two presentations referring processes that does not exist. This will lead to two messages:

Import: The Presentation (Sgt nnnnn) refers a process (Sgt 1014), which has not been imported.

Import: The Presentation (Sgt nnnnn) refers a process (Sgt 0), which has not been imported.

These presentations are not being used for anything so messages referring to the two processes (Sgt. 1014 and 0) can be disregarded.

If the process is neither 0 or 1014, use the "Utilities→Surrogate" menu item in the administration interface in the 1.2 site to find more information about the presentation.

If no process is shown for the presentation, the error originates in the 1.2 site - and the message can be disregarded.

WSE163 - Presentation already exists




Import: The Process with ID &1 already had a presentation with name &2. This presentation is used.


This has no effect on the functionality of the imported site.

To avoid duplicating presentations unnecessarily for processes, it is checked whether there already is a corresponding presentation for the process. If a corresponding presentation is found the existing presentation is used - and the presentation is not imported.

WSE164 - Process already exists




Import: A process with ID &1 already exists in the site.


This has no effect on the functionality of the site.

A process with the same process id already exists in the site - as the process id has to be unique, the existing process is used. No data is updated for the existing process. As the processes are common for all sites in an installation, the first import into an installation will import all the processes, for subsequent imports, this message will be thrown for each process.

WSE165 - Role not found for role / site element relation




Import: Role/element relation not be created. The role (Sgt &1) has not been imported (Element &2).


The import file specifies that a role should be assigned to a site element. However, no information could be found for the role.

As the role/site element references are created by the export process (based on the authorization levels), this really should not occur.

The role surrogate (&1) corresponds to the numerical value of the authorization level in the 1.2 site. The element identification (&2) can be used to find more information about the site element (using "Utilities→Surrogate" in the administration interface of the 1.2 site).

WSE166 - Site element not found for role / site element relation




Import: Role/element relation not created. The element (Sgt &1) has not been imported.


The import file specifies that a role should be assigned to a site element. However, no information could be found for the site element.

As the role/site element references are created by the export process (based on the authorization levels), this really should not occur.

The element identification (&1) can be used to find more information about the site element (using "Utilities→Surrogate" in the administration interface of the 1.2 site).

WSE167 - Folder list not found for role




Import: Role &1 uses a folder list (ID &2) that has not been imported. Role is created without folder list.


The role based on the authorization level specified by the parameter &1 refers to a folder list, this folder list has not been imported into the site.

The role is created without any reference to a folder list - this means that you should manually assign a folder list to the role before any users can log on using this role.

See Export Event WSE175 above for an explanation of how this situation might have occurred.

WSE168 - Role already exists




Import: Role with name &1 already exists. The role has been renamed to &2.


To make sure that the administration interface in the 2.0 site works, all roles created for the 2.0 installation is preserved by the upgrade process. This means that there can be roles that has the same name as roles being imported. When this happens, the name of the existing roles are preserved, while the new roles are being renamed.

This has no effect on the functionality of the imported site, but you might want to use the role maintenance in the administration interface of the new site to update the name of the imported (and renamed) roles.

WSE169 - Role not found for role / user relation




Import: Role/User relation not created. Role (Sgt &1) has not been imported. (User Sgt &2).


According to the import file, a role should have been assigned to a user. However, the role could not be found in the file.

As the role/user relations in the import file has been created as part of the export process, this should really not happen.

To investigate further use the "Utilities→Surrogate" process in the administration interface of the 1.2 site to identify the user in question.

The role identification corresponds to the numeric value of the authorization level in the 1.2 site.

You will probably have to update, or at least check, the roles for the user in the 2.0 site.

WSE170 - User not found for role / user relation




Import: Role/User relation not created as User (Sgt &1) has not been exported.


According to the import file, a role should have been assigned to a user. However, no information about the user could be found in the file.

To investigate further use the "Utilities→Surrogate" process in the administration interface of the 1.2 site to identify the user in question.

This message will be written for each role assigned to a user that has not been imported.

The most common reason for a user to not be imported is if the user already exists in the 2.0 site. The users in question will typically be "WSADMIN" and "User", as these users are normally present in both the 1.2 and the 2.0 site.

Check whether there is a previous message (WSE172) stating that the user has not been imported.

WSE171 - Frame already exists




Import: Frame with name &1 already exists in the site. The existing frame is used.


A frame definition was to be imported - however, a definition of a frame with the specified name already exists - the existing definitions is used.

This has no effect on the imported site.

As the frames are used by all the sites in the 2.0 installation, the first import into an installation will create all the frames, all subsequent imports will throw this message for each frame specified in the import file.

WSE172 - User already exists




Import: A user with login name &1 (Sgt &2) already exists. The user has not been created.


Users already defined in the 2.0 site are preserved during the import. This means that any users who are both defined in the 1.2 site and the 2.0 site will not be imported (typically "WSADMIN" and "User").

This will in almost all cases also lead to one or more messages of the type WSE170 (described above) being written to the message log later in the import process.

WSE173 - Folder list not found for user




Import: User &1 refers a folder list (ID: &2) that has not been imported. User created without folder list.


A user being imported has a direct reference to a folder list. However, the reference to the folder list in the import file can't be resolved. The user has been created without a folder list. This means that the user will be able to log in, but the wrong templates might be used. Use the login name specified in the message to find the folder list in the 1.2 site - and correct the user information manually in the 2.0 site so the correct folder list is specified.

WSE174 - User not found for user / site relation




Import: The user (&1) registered as type &2 for the site has not been imported.


A number of users can be defined as having special significance for the site - in the upgrade case, the only special user being created is the anonymous user for the site.

As part of the export, an anonymous user with the login name "WSIANONYM" is created. When importing into the 2.0 site, this user is defined as being the anonymous user for the site. However, if there already exists a user in the 2.0 site with this login name, the user has not been imported (and a message of type WSE172 stating this can be found in the log) - and so the relation between the user and the site can't be created.

However, in by far the most cases, this will be the result of a previous import into the 2.0 site. If it is information from the same 1.2 site that is being imported again into the 2.0 site - and there has not been made significant changes to the authorization levels and the specified anonymous intranet level in the 1.2 site, the 2.0 site will work correctly.