This document describes how to upgrade to WebsydianExpress v1.2 from a previous version of WebsydianExpress (1.0/1.1) on the Windows platform.
Please refer to WebsydianExpress 1.2 - What Is New? for information about new features and changes in WebsydianExpress v1.2.
For information on how to upgrade the Plex/Websydian development environment please read Upgrade Plex Development Environment to WebsydianExpress v1.2.
WebsydianExpress 1.2 is backward compatible with business processes developed with WebsydianExpress 1.0/1.1.
So all objects in the PlaceObjectsHere folder can be left untouched and will not be affected by the upgrade process.
By default WebsydianExpress is installed in "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows". In the rest of this document this folder will be named the WebsydianExpress folder. If you have installed WebsydianExpress in another folder then replace all references to the WebsydianExpress folder with your local installation folder.
When a relative path name is used (e.g. Application Services\Html) it should be resolved relatively to the WebsydianExpress folder so the full path will be "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows\Application Services\Html".
It is important that you backup your WebsydianExpress installation before you start the upgrade process in case something should go wrong.
Disclaimer: Websydian A/S cannot in any way be held responsible for failures or errors caused by the upgrade process.
Backup the following:
The first step is to stop WebsydianExpress.
To upgrade the WebsydianExpress application perform the following steps.
Please note that if you have modified any HTML templates in the admin folder, or modified any WebsydianExpress files in the "Relay Service\resources" folder (e.g. style sheets) then these changes will be overwritten by the upgrade process.
To upgrade the Web Server Component you must pack a new WAR file and deploy it to the web server.
Run the file pack.exe (found in the "Relay Service" folder) to repack the Web Server Component file (default name express.war).
If the web server is located on the same machine as the WebsydianExpress runtime, then set the location of the Web Server Component log file to the Logs folder (default value is C:/Program Files/Websydian/WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows/Logs/RelayService.log).
Pack.exe can deploy the Web Server Component file to Apache Tomcat if it is located on the same machine. Alternatively, you must manually deploy the Web Server Component file to the web server.
In the settings.cmd file found in the "Application Service" folder change the following lines:
set JAVA_HOME=..\Common\jre1.5.0_08
set JARS_DIR=..\common\jars
A separate log file folder has been created in the WebsydianExpress folder where all log files will be created. This will make error tracing easier as you no longer have to look for log files in three different locations.
Change the configuration files so all log files are created in this folder.
Log File=..\Logs\EXPRESS.log
In the websydianserver.prop file (found in the "Websydian Server" folder) change the setting log.filename:
To specify the default error page used by the Web Server Component in case of an error set the following setting in the Web Server Component property file.
In the relayservice.prop file check that the following setting is specified:
Furthermore, delete the old setting servlet.errorpage.extension.
To update the database use the command Update.cmd found in the WebsydianExpress folder.
In order to connect to the database the Update command needs the following parameters:
The syntax for the Update command is:
Se below for examples on how to specify the parameters for the Update command.
To call the Update command do the following:
CD "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows"
You can find the parameters for the update command in the EXPRESS.INI file in the "Application Service" folder. Look in the section [ODBC-CON: WebsydianExpress].
As no user name or password is specified then only the data source (DSN) is necessary when calling Update.
[ODBC-CON: WebsydianExpress]
Fetch Type=
Default Connect=True
Pessimistic Lock on For Update = True
In the command window enter the following:
Update WebsydianExpress11
In order for this command to work you must be logged on with the same Windows user account as used when starting WebsydianExpress, or with another user account which have privileges to connect to and alter the WebsydianExpress database.
As user ID and password is specified then these parameters must be specified when calling the update command.
[ODBC-CON: WebsydianExpress]
Fetch Type=
Default Connect=True
Pessimistic Lock on For Update = True
As user ID is specified enter the following:
Update WebsydianExpress11 dbuser dbpwd