Online documentation - Websydian v6.1

FAQ - Websydian Server reports "An instance is already running"

Product Websydian DWA
Version All
Category DWA Deployment
Question When starting the Websydian Server we get the error "An instance is already running"
Answer In order for the Websydian Server to identify if another instance is running a temporary file is created in the temp directory of the system.

If the Websydian Server is incorrectly ended (not using the service to end the Websydian Server) sometimes this temporary file is not deleted.

In order to fix this problem do the following:

  • Make sure that the Websydian server has been terminated.
  • Delete the Websydian server lock file. This file is found in the temporary directory for iSeries located in the IFS in /tmp. The name of the directory is a 32-digit hex code that corresponds to the websydian server license key.
  • Once the above directory has been deleted you should be able to start the websydian server.


In order to avoid this on iSeries use the ENDWS command to end the Websydian server. The command ENDAS is available for ending the Application Services prior to ending the Websydian server.