Online documentation - Websydian v6.1

FAQ - I receive "Unable to open document template ..."

Product Websydian
Version All
Category Deployment
Question I receive "Unable to open document template ..."

If you receive "Unable to open document template ..\Html\pagename.htm" when running your Websydian application, it might be caused by several reasons:

  1. The HTML template document is located at a different location than specified in the INI file of the Websydian application.
  2. The location in the INI file is specified wrongly.

If running on the iSeries the settings for the location of the Document Templates are located in the dataarea WSYDPATH.


If you receive this error message when running the DocumentTemplateGenerator the reason can be that you are using Plex 5.0 where the location of the html files is specified under the Generate and Build options -> Build Directories -> Web HTML source