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FAQ - LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'mfc42.lib

Product Websydian
Version Websydian 5.5
Category Compiling
Question Compiling with Plex 5.5 and visual studio .Net I get the error "LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'mfc42.lib'"
Answer The problem is that one or more of the pre-built libraries specified under "System properties" of the "Generate and Build Options" has been created with a previous version of visual studio.

To fix this problem check the pre-build libraries specified are all generated by visual studio .net.

When upgrading to Websydian 5.5 make sure removing the wsyhttpxxx.lib library file from the pre-built libraries field and then generate and build the subject areas WSYHTTP/ObjectToGenerateAndBuild.