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FAQ - Action diagram debugging and Websydian applications

Product Websydian for Windows
Version All
Category Troubleshooting
Question How do I use the action diagram debugger with Websydian applications
To use the action diagram debugger your customer should do the following:
  1. Set the options "Generate for Action Diagram debugging", "Build for Action Diagram debugging", and "Force build of all selected objects".
  2. Generate and build the function you want to debug.
  3. In the Generate and Build window right-click the function you want to debug and select "Action Diagram Debugger".
  4. Launch the application from the browser. Once the function in 2) is called the Action Diagram Debugger will "pick it up" and you can start to debug.
Some things to note:
  1. Be aware that there are some problems with the Action Diagram Debugger in Plex 5.5 that might make debugging Websydian applications impossible
  2. In order for the action diagram debugger to function correctly with Websydian applications developed using Websydian CWA make sure to use the Apache Web Server running as a console application.