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FAQ - Embedding images into a XML file (binary information)

Product Websydian TransacXML developer
Version 5.5SP1, 5.6
Category Development
Question How to embed binary information like images into a XML file
Answer This is not part of the Websydian TransacXML product, but there is a way.


In order to embed binary information (pictures are binary) you will need to perform a base64 encoding of the information.



The simple element that will hold the base64 encode data string is modeled like this

XMLBase64.Fields.Base64Field is a FLD NameSpaceAware

XMLBase64.Fields.Base64Field is a FLD ElementField


where the source code namespace should hold urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes and the prefix source code should hold dt


You will need to create a simple element with an attribute http://www.websydian.com/websydiandoc/Libraries/WsyXml/SimpleElementWithAttribute.htm adding an attribute named dt with the value bin.base64


The final xml document holding the base64 data information should look like this


<MYPICTURE xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" dt:dt="bin.base64">[here is the binary data in a base64 encoded data string]</MYPICTURE>


The information that is added to the element is the output from the base64 encoding procedure.


If you need any further help I will need to ask you to request a quote for consultansy assistance.