Online documentation - Websydian v6.1

FAQ - Failed to build ApplicationServiceListener for Java

Product Websydian
Version 3.0, 3.01, 3.1, 3.1b
Category Generate and Build
Question When trying to Build the PKA listener for Java I get an error indicating a missing Java Package.

The error message received is
"PkaObjectsToGenerateAndBuild.PkaWinObjectsToGenerateAndBuild not found in import.
import PkaObjectsToGenerateAndBuild.PkaWinObjectsToGenerateAndBuild.*;"

This problem is an error in CA Plex and you need to do the following

Create the followind directories under your gen directory.
- PkaObjectsToGenerateAndBuild\PkaWinObjectsToGenerateAndBuild
- WinObjectsToGenerateAndBuild