Online documentation - Websydian v6.1

FAQ - Where do I find the diagram types to be used with Websydian

Product Websydian
Version All
Category Development
Question Where do I find the diagram types to be used with Websydian
Answer The Diagrams in CA Plex are attached to your group model and can not be transferred from the WSYBASE model as this is a library.

You will have to create the different diagram you need in your own Group Model.

Below you will find a list of the different diagram element types to be defined.

We have in fact defined a diagram type in the WsyBase group model. You can see the definitions when you log into a model that has WsyBase as a library, then right-click on the WsyBase entry and choose "Admin->Diagram types...".

The you will be able to see the diagram type "HTML Function relations". The names are not up to date, so it will probably be easier for you to use the definitions below.

Web function relations

Link: 'Dispatcher calls event' 'FNC calls FNC' Layer 4 Arrow
Link: 'Event calls page generator' 'FNC calls FNC' Layer 1 Arrow
Node: 'Event dispatcher' Function Layer 4 Hollow, Ellipse
Node: 'Page generator' Function Layer 1 Hollow, Rectangle
Node: 'Event handler' (Sub) FNC includes FNC Layer 1 Hollow, Rounded Rectangle
Node: 'Shared event handler' (Sub) FNC comprises FNC Layer 1 Shaded, Rounded Rectangle