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Websydian Server licensing model

Q: What is a concurrent session and what "eats" sessions

When a user accesses the site a session is created and stored as a session cookie and passed on each request. This enables the program to identify each request to be from this specific session.

The following situations will create a new session:

Q: What happens when the number of concurrent sessions are exhausted

A penalty of x seconds are added to the session creation. This is calculated from the deviation of number of concurrent sessions and the number of purchased sessions.

The further you exceed the number of purchased concurrent sessions the longer penalty each user will experience.

At the same time a log entry is added to the ´Websydian Server log and a mail is forwarded to the administrator.

Q: What happens when the license expires or is about to expire

One month prior to license expiration you will see Websydian Server log entries being added once a day indicating that expiration is about to occur (ERROR). If a new license is not added and the license expires the license is down-graded to a developer license.

Q: Will I need a new license when upgrading to a new version of Websydian or WebsydianExpress

Yes, each new release of Websydian or WebsydianExpress will require a new license

Q: How do I ensure that I get any information about licensing problems or other issues

When setting up the Websydian Server configuration, make sure that you setup the mail information. This will enable the Websydian Server logging mechanism to forward error and licensing problems to the specified mail address.