Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

FAQ -  User receives error "An error occurred. Please contact web administrator"

This is a generic error shown to the user whenever a programming error or an error in the site definitions occur.

Of security reasons the user will not get any more specific information about the error.

To facilitate finding the reason for the error the WebsydianExpress runtime can throw a number of messages depending on the cause of the error. These errors can be found in the message log.

Use the menu item "Utilities->Message log" in the administration menu to check whether any messages has been thrown.

By pressing the Help icon for an message entry in the message log you will get a detailed description of the message and an explanation of what you should do to rectify the situation.

These descriptions are delivered as part of the runtime. In some cases we will have updated the explanation to make it more meaningful. If you receive an error stating the the page containing the description can't be found, or if you do not think the explanation is good enough you can check the list of the newest version of the error descriptions here.