Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

Special Replacement Markers


WebsydianExpress supports a number of special replacement markers, which controls special behavior of the framework.

The replacement markers are commands interpreted by the PageGenerator at runtime. When a replacement marker is identified as one of the special replacement markers the PageGenerator reacts as specified below.

Form action information




This replacement marker will give you the value of the form action field found on the site settings.


<form action="/(WSACTION)" name="WS5yddnF" method="post" autocomplete="OFF"></form>

Reference URL information specified on site settings





These replacement markers are used to the the values of the URL fields found on the site settings dialog:

/(WSHTPREF) references the value of the "HTTP URL" field on the site settings.

/(WSHTPSRE) references the value of the "HTTPS URL" field on the site settings.


<a href="/(WSHTPREF)">Direct link to site (non secure)</a>

<a href="/(WSHTPSRE)">Direct link to site (secure)</a>

Reference resource information specified on folder






These replacement markers are used to get the values of the resource information specified on the folder.



    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/(WSCSSREF)" media="screen, print">
    <script language="JavaScript" src="/(WSSCRREF)"></script>


<img alt="" border="0" src="/(WSRESURL)/images/mandatory.gif" width="9" height="11" /></td>

Specify grid length




&1 specifies the number of rows shown in the grid following the replacement marker.

Then you can change the number of rows shown for the current presentation of the process simply by modifying the HTML template.

If no grid length marker is specified before a grid occurs in the template, the standard Websydian functionality for defining the number of rows will be used.


<table class="grid">
    <th>Login name</th>
    <th>Full name</th>

Describes that the number of grid rows for the user information is set to 10 rows.

Specify frame name


<!-- /(NAME-&1) /(WSYD_SIGN)/(FrmSEvn) -->


This replacement marker makes it possible to use the definitions from the site structure tree to populate a frame in a frameset.

The frame specified by &1 must be defined in the site structure for a site element which is a child of the frameset containing the tag.

The value of the attribute NAME in the HTML tag FRAME must correspond to the name defined in the replacement marker.

Among other things this makes it possible to populate a frame based on the roles assigned to the current session.

For information on how to create a frame please look here.


<FRAMESET ROWS="60,35,*,40" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0">
  <!-- /(NAME-HEADER) -->
  <FRAME NAME="HEADER" SRC="/(WS_URL)/(WSURLPARMS)" scrolling="no" border=0 frameborder=0 noresize>
  <!-- /(NAME-MENU) -->
  <FRAME NAME="MENU" SRC="/(WS_URL)/(WSURLPARMS)" scrolling="no" border=0 frameborder=0 noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
  <!-- /(NAME-MAIN) -->
  <FRAME NAME="MAIN" SRC="/(WS_URL)/(WSURLPARMS)" marginwidth="10" marginheight="0" scrolling="auto" >
  <!-- /(NAME-FOOTER) -->
  <FRAME NAME="FOOTER" SRC="/(WS_URL)/(WSURLPARMS)" scrolling="no" border=0 frameborder=0 noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

Specify menu service


 /(MENU-&1) /(WSBEGIN)
<p><a target="/(WSMNUTAR)" href="/(WSMNUURL)">/(WSMNUTXT)</a></p>


This tag specifies that a link, which can activate another business process is to be shown on the page. &1 specifies an alias defined in the administration menu. This alias indicates which site element is to be used when the link is activated.

The link will only be shown if the current session has an authorization level, which is equal to or greater than the site element indicated by the alias.


/(MENU-MaintainProcess) /(WSBEGIN)
 <p><a target="/(WSMNUTAR)" href="/(WSMNUURL)">/(WSMNUTXT)</a></p>

 The site element specified by the alias MaintainProcess will be started when the link defined by the <a> tag is activated in the browser.

Stop processing of template




This replacement marker stops the PageGenerator from reading the rest of the template.

The text following the EOF marker will not be sent to the browser.

To the PageGenerator anything following the EOF marker could as well not be there.

This also means that the text preceding this marker must contain a full HTML document.

This can be used if you wish to communicate information from the developer to the web page designer about the specific template - or if you wish to have the original template available in the one you have applied layout to.

