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Servlet Based Web Server Component Properties


All parameters of the Web Server Component are specified using a property file. A sample property file can be found in the directory <Websydian Install Folder>\<Plex Version>\Deployment\Dwa. The sample property file is named WebServerComponent.prop.

Required parameters section

Websydian Server section

Parameter Default Value Description
websydianserver.ipaddr no default value The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started. This address together with the tcpport is used by the Websydian Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.
websydianserver.tcpport no default value The TCP port of the Websydian Server. The port is used together with the IP address by the Websydian Web Server Component to connect to the Websydian Server.
servlet.service no default value Name of the Application Service to which requests are forwarded.

Command Server section

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.commandport 11000 The TCP port the Websydian Web Server Component uses as the administration port. This is used to tell the Websydian Web Server Component to release current Tokens.
servlet.commandipaddr <default> The local IP address the Websydian Web Server Component should use for administration commands. Both host names and IP addresses in dotted decimal notation are accepted. The value <default> indicates the default local address or all local addresses.

Log section

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.log.level ERROR The log level affects how much the Websydian Web Server Component will write to the log file. The following values can be used:

  • INFO

  • WARN



Use ERROR in a deployment environment whereas TRACE should be used in debug situations only.

servlet.log.file no default value If the media is File, this parameter is mandatory, and specifies the full path to a log file used by the Websydian Web Server Component Servlet. If the file does not exist it will be created. Otherwise, new log entries will be added to the existing file.

Advanced parameters section


Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.upload FALSE Enables upload. Legal values are TRUE and FALSE (case insensitive).
servlet.upload.tempfolder The temporary folder used by the Java virtual machine The folder where the uploaded files are temporarily stored. Examples could be:
  • c:/temp
  • /myapp/uploadfilestemp
servlet.upload.maxfiles 5 The maximum number of files that can be uploaded in one request.

For security reasons it is recommended that the temporary folder is set to a folder that does not contain any other files.

Pool section

Parameter Default value Description
servlet.pool.targetsize 1 The maximum number of tokens the Websydian Web Server Component should try to fetch from the Websydian Server.

The target size of the pool should reflect how big load is expected on the application. When a high load is expected, a large number of tokens should be fetched.

servlet.pool.minsize 1 The minimum number of Tokens accepted from the Websydian Server. If the Websydian Web Server Component is unable to retrieve the minimum number of tokens it will write a warning to the log file.

This option is used to ensure that an application will be capable to serve under a given load by making sure that a minimum number of tokens are available.

servlet.pool.checkfreq 60 Interval in minutes for which the Websydian Web Server Component checks the token pool for the minimum number of tokens.
servlet.pool.waitperiod 1000 The wait period in milliseconds before the Websydian Web Server Component checks the token pool for available tokens after an unsuccessful try. The Websydian Web Server Component will try to fetch a token from the Token Pool 3 times before it returns with an error message.

The wait period should be set according to the expected response time on average requests. If the application is lightning fast, the wait period should be short, and if the response times are long, the wait period should be long.

Log section

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.log.media File The media where the log messages should be sent to. Legal values are:
  • File
servlet.log.rollfrequency ROLL_DAILY The frequency to be used by the log system to roll the log:

Valid values are:

servlet.log.smtphost no value If this parameter is specified all log messages of type FATAL will be sent in an e-mail to an administrator. This parameter specifies the host name of the SMTP server.
servlet.log.mailsubject no value The subject of the log mails.
servlet.log.mailsender no value If servlet.log.smtphost is specified, this parameter is mandatory and must contain the sender name to use when sending log mails.
servlet.log.mailrecipient no value The receiver of log mails.


Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.service.databuffersize 4096 Size in bytes of the buffer the Application service should use when sending DATA packets.

The buffer size influences the overall performance of the application. The optimal value for a particular application depends on average size of responses (e.g. filled out templates) as well as network performance between the elements in the application (i.e. hardware performance). A size between 2 KB and 4 KB gives good performance in most cases.

servlet.sockettimeout 300 The time out value in seconds for socket connections.

This setting determines the time the servlet waits for a response from the application. After the socket has timed out, the servlet returns an error message to the user explaining that the application has failed to return a valid response.

servlet.alivetime 3600 The interval in seconds between checking all tokens for alive status. Used to verify that tokens are still valid.
servlet.errorpage.url no value Specifies a relative URL to an error page within the context of the WAR file where the Websydian Web Server Component is deployed.

On errors the Websydian Web Server Component will then call this error page which then is responsible of generating a response to the user.

The error page have to be placed within the scope of the WAR-file where / (slash) indicates the root of the WAR-file. E.g.

servlet.contentlength.max 0 Sets an upper limit for the length of the request in bytes.
Zero indicates that there is no upper limit.