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J2eeProxy Servlet Property File


The property file for the J2EEProxy is used to configure the behavior of the J2EEProxy when deploying Websydian web application in a servlet based environment.

Normally you would place the J2EEProxy property file in the structure of the servlet being deployd inside the directory WEB-INF and name it J2eeProxy.prop. Optionally you can place the property file outside the structure of the servlet in that case you will need to add information to the web.xml file of the location of the J2EEProxy property file using the servlet initialization parameter servlet.propertyfile.

Websydian Server parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.websydianserver.wrap FALSE Use internal or external version of the Websydian Server. If set to TRUE the Websydian Server will be started as part of the servlet and you will not need to start a Websydian Server¨.
Valid values are:
TRUE - The Websydian Server is started inside the servlet
FALSE - You are required to start the Websydian Server and configure additional information on the location of the Websydian Server.
The following parameters are only required if servlet.websydianserver.wrap is set to FALSE
websydianserver.ipaddr no default value The IP address of the machine where the Websydian Server is started. This address together with the websydianserver.tcpport is used by the J2EE Proxy to connect to the Websydian Server.
websydianserver.tcpport no default value The TCP port of the Websydian Server. The port is used together with the IP address by the J2EE Proxy to connect to the Websydian Server.
The following parameters are only required if servlet.websydianserver.wrap is set to TRUE
websydianserver.log.level ERROR he log level affects how much the J2EE Proxy will write to the log file. The following values can be used:

  • INFO

  • WARN



Use ERROR in a deployment environment whereas TRACE should be used in debug situations only.

websydianserver.log.file no default value Specifies the full path to a log file used by the internal Websydian Server. If the file does not exist it will be created. Otherwise, new log entries will be added to the existing file.
websydianserver.licensefilepath no default value Fully qualified path and name of file holding the Websydian Server license.
websydianserver.log.rollfrequency ROLL_DAILY The frequency to be used by the Websydian server log system to roll the log:

Valid values are:


Basic Servlet parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.plex.eventdispatchername no default value The implementation name of the Websydian EventDispatcher function. The servlet launches the Websydian application by invoking this function.
Remember to qualify the function name with the fully scoped package name, e.g.
servlet.service no default value The application name uniquely identifying the Websydian application being deployed. Used by the Websydian Server to identify multiple Websydian applications being serviced.
servlet.plex.propertyfilename blank The path to the Plex property file. Specify only the path - not the file name (obusr.properties).
If this is set to blank the property file can be located in the directory structure of the servlet in the directory WEB-INF/classes.
servlet.log.level ERROR The log level affects how much the J2EE Proxy will write to the log file. The following values can be used:

  • INFO

  • WARN



Use ERROR in a deployment environment whereas TRACE should be used in debug situations only.

servlet.log.file no default value If the media is File, this parameter is mandatory, and specifies the full path to a log file used by the J2EE Proxy Servlet. If the file does not exist it will be created. Otherwise, new log entries will be added to the existing file.
servlet.log.rollfrequency ROLL_DAILY The frequency to be used by the log system to roll the log:

Valid values are:

servlet.log.smtphost no value If this parameter is specified all log messages of type FATAL or ERROR will be sent in an e-mail to an administrator. This parameter specifies the host name of the SMTP server.
The following parameters are only required if an servlet.log.smtphost is specified
servlet.log.mailsubject no value The subject of the log mails
servlet.log.mailsender no value The e-mail address of the mail being send from the log system
servlet.log.mailrecipient no value The receiver of log mails. Multiple receivers may be specified using a comma separating the e-mail addresses

Advanced parameters

Parameter Default Value Description
servlet.plex.environmentname Default The Plex environment name to be used by the Application.
servlet.plex.session.parametername WSYD_SID The implementation name of the session parameter in the session pattern.
servlet.plex.session.timeout 10 Timeout in minutes for a session. This value should be the same as the value specified in the session pattern in the Plex model.
servlet.contentlength.max 0 Sets an upper limit for the length of the request in bytes.
Zero indicates that there is no upper limit
servlet.errorpage.url none Specifies a relative URL to an error page within the context of the WAR file where the J2EE Proxy is deployed.

On errors the J2EE Proxy will then call this error page which then is responsible of generating a response to the user.

The error page have to be placed within the scope of the WAR-file where / (slash) indicates the root of the WAR-file. E.g.

servlet.plex.plexruntime.timeout 30 Timeout in minutes of which Plex runtimes are discarded. The J2EE Proxy keeps several Plex runtimes in a runtime pool in order to improve performance. This timeout is used to discard Plex runtimes that have not been active within the timeframe of this timeout.

Useful for handling firewalls disconnecting idle connections.
servlet.plex.plexruntime.maxpoolruntimes 32000 The max Plex runtime pool size in case of heavy load.

If you set this setting to 10 the max number of available Plex runtimes at any given time in the pool will be 10. If the J2EEProxy requires additional Plex runtimes these are created, used and afterwards discarded.

The benefit of this is that if you have a period of inactivity on your web site you will be able to restrict the number of open connections in this period.

In order to restrict the overall number of requests being processed you will need to consult with the manual of your servlet engine.

In order to prevent the pooling of Plex runtimes set this value to 0 (zero) By doing this each request will get a new Plex runtime instead of reusing existing runtimes.
servlet.plex.function.init Disabled A Plex function to be called during initialization of the Websydian application.
E.g. com.websydian.express.client.WSSVLINI
servlet.plex.function.destroy Disabled A Plex function to be called when destroying the servlet in which the Websydian application is being executed
E.g. com.websydian.express.client.WSSVLDST