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Upgrade Guide to Websydian Version 2.1

Upgrading from version 2.0 of Websydian to version 2.1 is simple and only involves a few changes in the CA Plex model.  If you already upgraded your CA Plex model to version 2.0, you need to handle the following two situations:

Fields Omitted from Document Templates

In Websydian 2.0 and 1.3, fields could be omitted from the Document Template generation by specifying the selected fields as local fields in the OmitDetailsFields and/or the OmitGridFields of the Document Template Generator function.

In Websydian version 2.1 these triples must be moved up to Page Generator level instead of being specified for the Document Template Generator, and the involved Page Generator functions should be regenerated and built.


MyPageGenerator local FLD
...for VAR
local FLD
...for VAR

In version 2.1, the triples are used to determine if the Grid handling portion of the source code should be included in the CA Plex generation of Page Generator functions.

If the triples are not moved and the Page Generator functions are regenerated and built , the functionality will still work - only now, some dead code might be included in the Page Generator functions.

PageGenerator Pattern Must Be Included in Inheritance Path

In Websydian 2.0, the _DocumentTemplateGenerator pattern was defined by the ReplacementProcess pattern.  In version 2.1, the _DocumentTemplateGenerator pattern is now defined directly under the PageGenerator pattern in the inheritance hierarchy.  In this way, the Deck and Card Generator patterns can also inherit from the ReplacementProcess pattern without getting a Document Template Generator scoped under them.  At the same time, a number of Page Generator patterns (e.g. Session and Integrity) now inherit directly from ReplacementProcess so that these Page Generator patterns can be used for WAP development as well.

When updating a CA Plex model to Websydian 2.1, it is no longer sure that your Page Generator functions will have a Document Template Generator scoped under them.  Therefore, you must make sure that the PageGenerator pattern itself is included in the inheritance path of all Page Generator functions defined in your model.