Call to WpkaGetResponseCharset is removed from the WSYBASE/PageGenerator special care is needed if you have any page generators referencing the output of this function.
If you have referenced the output of this function you can obtain the required information from the field ResponseDefaults/ResponseCharset. ResponseCharset along with a number of other defaults response parameters are now obtained by calling the function GetResponseDefaults in the Initialize subroutine of the WSYBASE/PageGenerator
Optima: 40304
We have encountered some cases where a POST request both transferred request parameters in the HTTP-body (as expected) and in the URL. In previous versions, this would have meant that only the request parameters from the HTTP body was transferred from the web server component to the application.
In this version, the request parameters from the URL will be added to the request parameters from the HTTP-body so that both sets of parameters are available for the application.
The change is implemented in the runtime and is implemented by installing the updated runtime on the web server.
SoapProcessors has until now contained a check that a content-length header was present for the request - and that a positive value was specified for the header.
However, an issue was found when clients used "chunked" Transfer-encoding - in these cases the content-length are not specified - and the SoapProcessor would reject the request.
To handle this situation, the default behavior of the SoapProcessor has been changed so that a content-length of zero is accepted.
If you want to reinstate the content-length check, enter the following statement:
+++Undefine +AcceptContentLengthZero
in the edit point "content-length is zero" in the SoapProcessor.
When a lot of XMLHandlers has been added to a SoapProcessor, the error "Code too large" can be reported when building the associated CreateWSDL function in Java. This is due to a Java limitation that only allows 64KB of bytecode fo a method. As a subroutine is implemented as a method - and as the amount of bytecode generated in the subroutine that handles the XMLHandlers are directly proportional with the number of comprised XMLHandlers - the limitiation can be reached without having to add an unreasonable amount of XMLHandlers.
To avoid this problem the amount of code generated in the subroutine has been limited as much as possible.
A similar issue has been identified in the HandleXMLHandlers function. This amount of generated code in this function has also been optimized. Unfortunately, this optimization could not be as effective as the one performed for the CreateWSDL function - so it is conceivable that the "code too large" error will occur for the HandleXMLHandlers function.
This button works as the "Exclude" button - except for the fact that the handling of the XMLHandlers are terminated. The WSDL is generated based on the information specified for the already handled XMLHandlers.
If you want your CreateWSDL functions to have this button, you must generate and build the scoped HandleXMLHandlers function and the CreateWSDL function.
The PageGenerator has been changed so that a blank value of a checkbox field in WsyDetails or WsyGrid will be exchanged with the "false" value of the field.
This behavior is implemented as the default behavior of the PageGeneratorWithFieldConversion, but it can be removed by setting the function option SetCheckBoxFalseForBlank to No for the PageGenerator.
Unless you have made specialized handling of empty values for checkbox fields, you should not have to make any changes when upgrading. If you do, setting the option SetCheckBoxFalseForBlank to No will restore the behavior from the earlier versions.
In general you are not required to generate and build any of your currently deployed objects.
However for the variants using IBM i you are required to generate and build your message file.
If you during upgrade of Websydian patterns also upgrades your CA Plex version. Please make sure that you read the upgrade guide for CA Plex as well.