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Error Messages Received from Websydian

This page lists the error messages returned by Websydian and the actions that need to be taken to solve the error.  All of the messages are written to a standard HTML document and sent back to the web browser, except for the error messages Unable to create document template and Dispatcher URL could not be found in the default INI file.

Unable to Open Document Template

This message pops up in a dialog box when a Document Template Generator is unable to create a file for the document template. The Document Template Generator function attempts to create the Document Template in a folder with the name HTML located under the source directory specified in the Generate and build options.

Refer to the section Name and Location of Document Template in the Document Template Generator Implementation help page.

Dispatcher URL Could not Be Found in the Default INI File

A default entry has been added to the INI file.

This entry should be modified.

This message pops up in a dialog box when the Document Template Generator is unable to locate an INI-file key entry with the URL of the Dispatcher function of the Websydian application.

The INI file in question is the default INI-file used when a CA Plex function is executed inside the CA Plex environment.  Refer also to the subsection Specify Path to Dispatcher in Plex INI-File in the Implementing page of the Document Template Generator function.

Unable to Open Document Template

A Page Generator function is unable to open the Document Template.

For the PC web server variant:

Make sure you have supplied the correct path to the template documents in the INI file of your Dispatcher function. E.g:


For the AS400 web server variant:

Make sure you have supplied the correct path to the Document Templates in the WSYDPATH data area.

Unable to Call Event Handler

The Dispatcher function tried to call an Event Handler function, but did not succeed.   Make sure that the Event Handler function is compiled and located in the same directory as the Dispatcher function.

Array Count Exceeded Limit

A Page Generator function containing a grid stores all HTML source lines between the two grid markers in an array of 128 elements.  This error message is generated when the number of lines exceeds the capacity of the array.  The error message can be eliminated in two ways:

  1. Edit the Document Template so the number of HTML source lines between the grid markers is less than 128.
  2. In the Page Generator function, increase the value for the ...occurs NBR continuation triple of the StringArray variable.

Number of Lines in Document Template Exceeded Cache Limit

This error message only appears if Websydian is installed on an iSeries server and interacts with an iSeries web server, i. e. with the AS400 web server variant of Websydian.

The HTML Document Templates are loaded at application start-up in a cache for each Document Template.  The cache has a static size limit which defaults to 256.  When this limit is exceeded, the error will be produced.

In order to enlarge the size of the cache, enter the following triple for the Page Generator function that reported the error:

PageGenerator variable VAR
... as SYS
... Occurs NBR

The CacheSize can roughly be determined by the size of HTML document template in bytes divided by 180.


The size of a HTML document template is 52058 characters. The CacheSize is calculated to 52058 / 180 = 289. The triple is entered as:

MyPageGenerator variable VAR
... as SYS
... Occurs NBR

In general, large HTML Document Templates should be avoided since they will require a lot of processing for each request and this will result in web users having long response times.

Unable to Find Event Handler

The Dispatcher function was not able to find a match between the supplied event handler request and an Event Handler function.  The reason for this error can be:

  1. The right value was not supplied to the hidden field EventID.  The value of this field should match the implementation name of the Event Handler function to be called.
  2. When generating the Dispatcher function, the Event Handler function did not have an implementation name.
  3. No calls triple has been defined from the Dispatcher function to the Event Handler.

Illegal Form Method

The Websydian Dispatcher program tries to detect the form method used.  If the method is not POST or GET, this message will be written back to the web server in a HTML document.

Error in Signature. One or more Hidden Fields Have Been Changed

This error occurs if a web user has changed one or more hidden fields that are protected by the digital signing mechanism.  Values of hidden fields can only be modified by editing the HTML source directly.

This error message will also occur if one or more of the protected hidden fields has a FLD control SYS triple of type List, Combo, Check, or Radio and the WSYD Map literal values to names option is set to *Yes.

To remedy the latter case, either turn off mapping of literal values, remove the literal values from the fields in question or exclude the fields from digital signing by adding them to the ExcludeFromSign variable.

The error will also appear if a field is defined for the Hidden variable and not for the corresponding WsyDetails or WsyGrid variable.

Warning: Websydian Page Generation Load of File filename:

HTML source element exceeds number characters and might be rendered incorrectly by browsers

This warning will be sent to the system operator console of an iSeries web server.  It only appears if Websydian is installed on an iSeries server and interacts with an iSeries web server, i. e. with the AS400 web server variant of Websydian.

The iSeries web server has an internal constraint that HTML source lines must not exceed 254 characters.  For this reason, Websydian inserts line breaks if HTML source lines exceed this maximum.

In some cases the line breaking results in a HTML source that cannot be rendered correctly by some browsers, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer: This happens if parameter values enclosed in quotes exceed the maximum.  This will cause the warning to be produced.

Example: Given the HTML source lines:

<input name="Description"
value="Long description .... 300 chars wide">

Websydian will correctly reformat these lines to:

<input name="Description"
value="Long description ....
300 chars wide">

Microsoft Internet Explorer will incorrectly only render the value up to the first line shift.

If the content lines of PRE sections exceeds the maximum, Websydian will insert line breaks at the rightmost possible space and proceed.

Example of PRE-section:

This line should be rendered as-is ... 300 chars wide


Websydian will line break the HTML source in two different situations:

  1. At application start-up during HTML Document Template load.
  2. At page generation after substitution of replacement markers with actual values.

In order to minimize line breaking during the page generation, the line breaking during HTML Document Template load actually is done at the 220-character limit in order to leave sufficient room for substitution of most values.

How to Remedy the Warning-Producing Cases

To remedy this situation the HTML source file must be modified in order to reduce the length of the HTML source elements in question.  No single value should exceed 220 characters, both static values and dynamically values substituted into the generated HTML pages.

The Web Application Was Unable to Process the Request, because Memory Allocation Failed

This error is only relevant for the PC web server variant.

Before parsing the input parameter string, the Event Handler attempts to allocate memory to store the string.  If the memory allocation fails, the above error message is displayed on an Error Page.

This error message should be very rare.  It indicates that the web server machine is low on system resources or that the length of the input parameter string is unreasonably long.

To avoid the error, free up some system resources.

The Web Application Was Unable to Process the Request, because Input Exceeded the Allowed Maximum Length

In the Event Handler function, it is possible to specify a maximum length (default 10 kb) of the input parameter string.  If the input string exceeds this maximum length, further processing is aborted by the Event Handler function and the above error is sent to the user by an error page.

If the user entered valid data, the maximum input parameter length accepted by the Event Handler function should be increased.

Otherwise, this error only occurs if a malicious user tries to crash the web application by sending a large amount of input data.

Number of rows exceeds maximum value. Please increase the maximum value.

In the MultipleInput.Processgrid there is a check if the number of input lines exceeds a customer specified limit. The default limit is 64, but can be changed by adding code the to edit point "Start set max number of rows"

e.g. Set Local<NumberOfRows> = <MyNumberOfRows.MyDefaultMax>